README openafs for gentoo linux ------------------------------- Changelog: 13.11.2005 point to online documentation where relevant 25.07.2005 update after ebuild overhaul 04.06.2001 initial release INDEX A) Questions Likely to be Asked 1) Overview 2) Client installation 3) Server installation 3.1) Installing your afs server 3.2) Configuring the Top Level of the AFS filespace A. Questions Likely to be Asked ------------------------------- Q) How do I upgrade from a pre-1.4 version? A) Consult You will find detailed instructions on how to safely upgrade. If you're very very impatient, please take note that the init-scripts have changed names and that you shouldn't use the old script after upgrading. Now go and play! Q) Why are the paths in the OpenAFS documentation different from the ones in the gentoo package? A) When AFS was conceived, Transarc (at the time the developing company) chose new seperate paths for everything related to AFS. Though there are advantages to this approach (like more easily copying an AFS-installation from one machine to another), this is contrary to FHS, the standard for filesystem layout as used in Gentoo and many other UNIX-systems. Q) Software package X requires the old path convention A) If the software in mind is OSS and has an ebuild in portage, please let us know so we can patch the software to work with a gentoo installation. If you use third-party software that has the legacy paths hardcoded, we recommend you take a look at the package "openafs-legacy". It is meant to provide soft-links to an existing openafs-installation, such that those packages find the information they're looking for. At the time of writing, this packages is untested. Please let us know how well / badly it works for you! (After installing the FHS compliant ebuild, you first need to remove the configuration files in the old paths, so there is room for the soft-links. See below on how to go about this) Q) The ebuild has done the automatic transfer from old path-config files to the new standard. But now my system won't start anymore. What do I do? A) The ebuild was designed to not touch files that existed before, and also leave the old configuration files there for a safe fallback. One cause for failure that comes to mind is a system that contained some configuration files in new paths before the transfer. In any case, we'd appreciate you filing a bug report ( I hope you've read the guide on how to upgrade, btw? It may very well give you better understanding of what's happened. See Q) My openafs client has gone into a state where I can't stop nor start the service. What can I do, apart from rebooting? A) Though I hope I've adapted the init-scripts to cope with most circumstances, a failure to stop the client may arise for some reason. Here's a guideline to stop the openafs client so you can cleanly restart. 1) Check for kernel errors (caused by the client if you're running the experimental version). To do this, use "dmesg". If you see errors (like stack traces), it's recommended that you reboot after all (this is known to happen when unload the kernel module when afsd is still running) 2) Check if the /afs filesystem is mounted (e.g. "grep AFS /proc/mounts"). If so, unmount it ("umount /afs"). Afterwards you'll need step 3: 3) Check if afsd is running (e.g. "pgrep afsd"). If so, shut it down by issuing "afsd -shutdown" 4) Check if the kernel module is loaded ("lsmod | grep openafs"). If so, unload it with "modprobe -r openafs" 5) Just to be safe, you may want to recheck step 1 6) Check if the bosserver is running ("pgrep bosserver"). If not, then normally no part of the AFS server is running. If you doubt this for whatever reason (like strange bosserver behaviour), you can check if individual services are running and the stop those using the "kill" command. Processes you're looking for are named like volserver, fileserver, upserver, vlserver, ptserver, buserver, kaserver. If it isn't running, and you're not feeling suspicious, go to step 9 7) Check the status of the bosserver by running "bos status localhost -localauth". If it reports running services, shutdown by running "bos shutdown localhost -localauth -wait". 8) Shut down the bosserver ("killall bosserver" is the fastest know method) 9) Finally, every part of afs should be shutdown. Let the initscript- system know by running "/etc/init.d/afs-client zap". Now you should be able to run "/etc/init.d/afs-client start" again Please also report a bug stating the circumstances under which your lockup situation occurred (including useful info like that produced by "dmesg" 1. Overview ----------- - There's an openafs faq available on - Openafs main page is at - AFS was originally developed by Transarc which is now owned by IBM. You can find some information about AFS on 2. Client installation ---------------------- NOTE: You need to have access to a running afs-server in your network. First edit ThisCell and CellServDB according to your local network structure. If you're unsure what to put there, either read the afs documentation or contact your local administrators. Just run "emerge openafs" on your gentoo linux machine to build the client. After building add the afs start script with rc-update add afs. Now you're ready to go !! 3. Server installation ---------------------- NOTE: This is a quick quick beginnings manual !!! If you really want to use afs download and print out the afs documentation !!! 3.1 Installing your afs server 1. Startup main afs server process /usr/bin/bosserver -noauth & Verify that /etc/openafs/server/ThisCell and CellServDB got created 2. Give your cell a name !! /usr/bin/bos setcellname -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/bos setcellname gentoo -noauth Verify that ThisCell and CellServDB got updated !!! 3. Startup authentification, backup, protection and volume loction servers /usr/bin/bos create kaserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/kaserver -cell -noauth e.g: /usr/bin/bos create kaserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/kaserver -cell gentoo -noauth /usr/bin/bos create buserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/buserver -cell -noauth e.g: /usr/bin/bos create buserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/buserver -cell gentoo -noauth /usr/bin/bos create ptserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/ptserver -cell -noauth e.g: /usr/bin/bos create ptserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/ptserver -cell gentoo -noauth /usr/bin/bos create vlserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/vlserver -cell -noauth e.g: /usr/bin/bos create vlserver simple /usr/libexec/openafs/vlserver -cell gentoo -noauth Verify that all servers are running: /usr/bin/bos status -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/bos status -noauth 4. Initialize Cell Security .. which basically means creating afs admin account. /usr/bin/kas -cell -noauth This should give you the ka> prompt. ka> create afs initial_password: Verifying, please re-enter initial_password: ka> create admin initial_password: Verifying, please re-enter initial_password: ka> Verfiy that users got created and set admin flag for user admin: ka> examine afs User data for afs key (0) cksum is 2651715259, last cpw: Mon Jun 4 20:49:30 2001 password will never expire. An unlimited number of unsuccessful authentications is permitted. entry never expires. Max ticket lifetime 100.00 hours. last mod on Mon Jun 4 20:49:30 2001 by permit password reuse ka> setfields admin -flags admin ka> examine admin User data for admin (ADMIN) key (0) cksum is 2651715259, last cpw: Mon Jun 4 20:49:59 2001 password will never expire. An unlimited number of unsuccessful authentications is permitted. entry never expires. Max ticket lifetime 25.00 hours. last mod on Mon Jun 4 20:51:10 2001 by permit password reuse ka> Create users in the afs enviroment: /usr/bin/bos adduser admin -cell -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/bos adduser admin -cell gentoo -noauth /usr/bin/bos addkey -kvno 0 -cell -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/bos addkey -kvno 0 -cell gentoo -noauth input key: Retype input key: NOTE: you need to give the password you provided for the afs account above Create a protection database entry for the admin user: /usr/bin/pts createuser -name admin -cell [-id ] -noauth MATCH UNIX ID'S AND AFS UID'S WITH THE -id FLAG !! e.g.: /usr/bin/pts createuser -name admin -cell gentoo -noauth User admin has id 1 /usr/bin/pts adduser admin system:administrators -cell -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/pts adduser admin system:administrators -cell gentoo -noauth Check admin privileges: /usr/bin/pts membership admin -cell gentoo -noauth Groups admin (id: 1) is a member of: system:administrators Restart afs processes: /usr/bin/bos restart -all -cell -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/bos restart -all -cell gentoo -noauth 5. Start the file and volume servers and the salvager /usr/bin/bos create fs fs /usr/libexec/openafs/fileserver /usr/libexec/openafs/volserver /usr/libexec/openafs/salvager -cell -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/bos create fs fs /usr/libexec/openafs/fileserver /usr/libexec/openafs/volserver /usr/libexec/openafs/salvager -cell gentoo -noauth Verify that all processe are running: /usr/bin/bos status -long -noauth Instance kaserver, (type is simple) currently running normally. Process last started at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 (2 proc starts) Last exit at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 Command 1 is '/usr/libexec/openafs/kaserver' Instance buserver, (type is simple) currently running normally. Process last started at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 (2 proc starts) Last exit at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 Command 1 is '/usr/libexec/openafs/buserver' Instance ptserver, (type is simple) currently running normally. Process last started at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 (2 proc starts) Last exit at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 Command 1 is '/usr/libexec/openafs/ptserver' Instance vlserver, (type is simple) currently running normally. Process last started at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 (2 proc starts) Last exit at Mon Jun 4 21:07:17 2001 Command 1 is '/usr/libexec/openafs/vlserver' Instance fs, (type is fs) currently running normally. Auxiliary status is: file server running. Process last started at Mon Jun 4 21:09:30 2001 (2 proc starts) Command 1 is '/usr/libexec/openafs/fileserver' Command 2 is '/usr/libexec/openafs/volserver' Command 3 is '/usr/libexec/openafs/salvager' 6. Create the main volume or synchronize with existing servers a) This is the first server: /usr/bin/vos create root.afs -cell -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/vos create /vicepa root.afs -cell gentoo -noauth b) You're installing a backup server: /usr/bin/vos syncvldb -cell -verbose -noauth /usr/bin/vos syncserv -cell -verbose -noauth 7. Start the Update Server /usr/bin/bos create upserver simple "/usr/libexec/openafs/upserver -crypt /etc/openafs -clear /usr/bin" -cell -noauth e.g.: /usr/bin/bos create upserver simple "/usr/libexec/openafs/upserver -crypt /etc/openafs -clear /usr/bin" -cell gentoo -noauth 8. Modifiy /etc/openafs/afs.conf Edit afs.conf to start afs server That's it !! Your afs server should hopefully be up and running !!! 3.2 Configuring the Top Level of the AFS filespace 1. Let anyuser lookup /afs /usr/bin/fs setacl /afs system:anyuser rl 2. Create root volume /usr/bin/vos create root.cell /usr/bin/fs mkmount /afs/cellname root.cell e.g.: /usr/afs/bin/fs mkmount /afs/gentoo root.cell /usr/bin/fs setacl /afs/cellname system:anyuser rl Create read/write mountpoint /usr/bin/fs mkmount /afs/.cellname root.cell -rw e.g.: /usr/bin/fs mkmount /afs/.gentoo root.cell -rw OK .. you're ready to go !! Now it's time to read AFS documentation and learn how to create volumes, create users and groups, set acl's and so on .. Have Fun :))