java-21-openjdk-devel-<>,$g(p9|[H) l$Y0]cvzgU ULL2"T;>Dz7Pȅc&yr,aniS "VE\Y#dXd YԏkY^\"Zkʳt}N170Ѕ.KmU zxqmAܫ޼"R}`1el&jP 3k:8Vr+5)k .VG= 1 XPw8s@Q>BC?Bd! . 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/usr/bin/jconsole jconsole /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jconsole \ --slave /usr/bin/jdb jdb /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jdb \ --slave /usr/bin/jdeprscan jdeprscan /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jdeprscan \ --slave /usr/bin/jdeps jdeps /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jdeps \ --slave /usr/bin/jhsdb jhsdb /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jhsdb \ --slave /usr/bin/jimage jimage /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jimage \ --slave /usr/bin/jinfo jinfo /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jinfo \ --slave /usr/bin/jlink jlink /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jlink \ --slave /usr/bin/jmap jmap /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jmap \ --slave /usr/bin/jmod jmod /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jmod \ --slave /usr/bin/jps jps /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jps \ --slave /usr/bin/jrunscript jrunscript /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jrunscript \ --slave /usr/bin/jshell jshell /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jshell \ --slave /usr/bin/jstack jstack /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jstack \ --slave /usr/bin/jstat jstat /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jstat \ --slave /usr/bin/jstatd jstatd /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jstatd \ --slave /usr/bin/jwebserver jwebserver /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/jwebserver \ --slave /usr/bin/serialver serialver /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/serialver \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jar.1$ext jar.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jar-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jarsigner.1$ext jarsigner.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jarsigner-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/javac.1$ext javac.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/javac-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/javadoc.1$ext javadoc.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/javadoc-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/javap.1$ext javap.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/javap-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jcmd.1$ext jcmd.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jcmd-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jconsole.1$ext jconsole.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jconsole-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jdb.1$ext jdb.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jdb-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jdeprscan.1$ext jdeprscan.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jdeprscan-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jdeps.1$ext jdeps.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jdeps-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jhsdb.1$ext jhsdb.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jhsdb-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jinfo.1$ext jinfo.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jinfo-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jlink.1$ext jlink.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jlink-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jmap.1$ext jmap.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jmap-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jmod.1$ext jmod.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jmod-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jpackage.1$ext jpackage.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jpackage-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jps.1$ext jps.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jps-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jrunscript.1$ext jrunscript.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jrunscript-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jshell.1$ext jshell.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jshell-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jstack.1$ext jstack.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jstack-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jstat.1$ext jstat.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jstat-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jstatd.1$ext jstatd.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jstatd-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jwebserver.1$ext jwebserver.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jwebserver-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/serialver.1$ext serialver.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/serialver-java-21-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/applications/jconsole.desktop jconsole.desktop \ /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk-21/lib/desktop/jconsole.desktop update-alternatives \ --install /usr/lib64/jvm/java-openjdk \ java_sdk_openjdk /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk 3105 update-alternatives \ --install /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21 \ java_sdk_21 /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk 3105if [ $1 -eq 0 ] then update-alternatives --remove javac /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk/bin/javac update-alternatives --remove java_sdk_openjdk /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk update-alternatives --remove java_sdk_21 /usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk fi(((((((((((((((((((((((((V0(D{'BO< P{7UX?  f h)|f} %5 ; 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otrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootjava-21-openjdk-    /bin/sh/bin/$f@ff! @f e@eԔ@epee@ez@e;@e9@e/e 0@e Update to upstream tag jdk-21.0.5+13 (October 2024 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8307383: Enhance DTLS connections + JDK-8311208: Improve CDS Support + JDK-8328286, CVE-2024-21208, bsc#1231702: Enhance HTTP client + JDK-8328544, CVE-2024-21210, bsc#1231711: Improve handling of vectorization + JDK-8328726: Better Kerberos support + JDK-8331446, CVE-2024-21217, bsc#1231716: Improve deserialization support + JDK-8332644, CVE-2024-21235, bsc#1231719: Improve graph optimizations + JDK-8335713: Enhance vectorization analysis * Other changes + JDK-6355567: AdobeMarkerSegment causes failure to read valid JPEG + JDK-6967482: TAB-key does not work in JTables after selecting details-view in JFileChooser + JDK-7022325: TEST_BUG: test/java/util/zip/ZipFile/ / leaks files if it fails + JDK-8051959: Add thread and timestamp options to system property + JDK-8073061: (fs) Files.copy(foo, bar, REPLACE_EXISTING) deletes bar even if foo is not readable + JDK-8166352: FilePane.createDetailsView() removes JTable TAB, SHIFT-TAB functionality + JDK-8170817: G1: Returning MinTLABSize from unsafe_max_tlab_alloc causes TLAB flapping + JDK-8211847: [aix] java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails: "reported cputime less than expected" + JDK-8211854: [aix] java/net/ServerSocket/ / fails: read times out + JDK-8222884: times out intermittently + JDK-8238169: BasicDirectoryModel getDirectories and can deadlock + JDK-8241550: [macOS] SSLSocketImpl/ failed due to "BindException: Address already in use" + JDK-8242564: javadoc crashes:: class cast exception$6 + JDK-8260633: [macos] java/awt/dnd/MouseEventAfterStartDragTest/ /MouseEventAfterStartDragTest.html test failed + JDK-8261433: Better pkcs11 performance for libpkcs11:C_EncryptInit/libpkcs11:C_DecryptInit + JDK-8269428: java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap/ / timed out + JDK-8269657: Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ / failed: Unexpected message + JDK-8280120: [IR Framework] Add attribute to @IR to enable/disable IR matching based on the architecture + JDK-8280392: java/awt/Focus/NonFocusableWindowTest/ / failed with "RuntimeException: Test failed." + JDK-8280988: [XWayland] Click on title to request focus test failures + JDK-8280990: [XWayland] XTest emulated mouse click does not bring window to front + JDK-8283223: gc/stringdedup/ [#]Parallel failed with "RuntimeException: String verification failed" + JDK-8287325: AArch64: fix virtual threads with - XX:UseBranchProtection=pac-ret + JDK-8291809: Convert compiler/c2/cr7200264/ to IR verification test + JDK-8294148: Support JSplitPane for instructions and test UI + JDK-8299058: AssertionError in when connection is idle + JDK-8299487: Test java/net/httpclient/whitebox/ / timed out + JDK-8299790: os::print_hex_dump is racy + JDK-8299813: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ fails with jtreg test timeout due to lost datagram + JDK-8301686: TLS 1.3 handshake fails if server_name doesn't match resuming session + JDK-8303920: Avoid calling out to python in DataDescriptorSignatureMissing test + JDK-8305072: Win32ShellFolder2.compareTo is inconsistent + JDK-8305825: getBounds API returns wrong value resulting in multiple Regression Test Failures on Ubuntu 23.04 + JDK-8307193: Several Swing jtreg tests use class.forName on L&F classes + JDK-8307352: AARCH64: Improve itable_stub + JDK-8307778: com/sun/jdi/cds tests fail with jtreg's Virtual test thread factory + JDK-8307788: vmTestbase/gc/gctests/LargeObjects/large003/ / timed out + JDK-8308286: Fix clang warnings in linux code + JDK-8308660: C2 compilation hits 'node must be dead' assert + JDK-8309067: gtest/ fails again in stderrOutput_vm + JDK-8309621: [XWayland][Screencast] screen capture failure with sun.java2d.uiScale other than 1 + JDK-8309685: Fix -Wconversion warnings in assembler and register code + JDK-8309894: compiler/vectorapi/ / fails on SVE system with UseSVE=0 + JDK-8310072: JComboBox/DisabledComboBoxFontTestAuto: Enabled and disabled ComboBox does not match in these LAFs: GTK+ + JDK-8310108: Skip ReplaceCriticalClassesForSubgraphs when EnableJVMCI is specified + JDK-8310201: Reduce verbose locale output in -XshowSettings launcher option + JDK-8310334: [XWayland][Screencast] screen capture error message in debug + JDK-8310628: GcInfoBuilder.c missing JNI Exception checks + JDK-8310683: Refactor StandardCharset/ to use JUnit + JDK-8310906: Fix -Wconversion warnings in runtime, oops and some code header files. + JDK-8311306: Test com/sun/management/ThreadMXBean/ / failed: out of expected range + JDK-8311666: Disabled tests in test/jdk/sun/java2d/marlin + JDK-8311989: Test java/lang/Thread/virtual/ timed out + JDK-8312049: runtime/logging/ClassLoadUnloadTest can be improved + JDK-8312111: open/test/jdk/java/awt/Robot/ModifierRobotKey/ / fails on ubuntu 23.04 + JDK-8312140: jdk/jshell tests failed with JDI socket timeouts + JDK-8312200: Fix Parse::catch_call_exceptions memory leak + JDK-8312229: Crash involving yield, switch and anonymous classes + JDK-8313674: (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ / should test for more block devices + JDK-8313697: [XWayland][Screencast] consequent getPixelColor calls are slow + JDK-8313983: jmod create --target-platform should replace existing ModuleTarget attribute + JDK-8314163: os::print_hex_dump prints incorrectly for big endian platforms and unit sizes larger than 1 + JDK-8314225: SIGSEGV in JavaThread::is_lock_owned + JDK-8314515: java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue/ / failed with "Error: fair=false i=8 j=0" + JDK-8314614: jdk/jshell/ failed with "InternalError: Failed remote listen" + JDK-8315024: Vector API FP reduction tests should not test for exact equality + JDK-8315031: YoungPLABSize and OldPLABSize not aligned by ObjectAlignmentInBytes + JDK-8315422: getSoTimeout() would be in try block in SSLSocketImpl + JDK-8315505: CompileTask timestamp printed can overflow + JDK-8315576: compiler/codecache/ fails after JDK-8314837 + JDK-8315804: Open source several Swing JTabbedPane JTextArea JTextField tests + JDK-8315923: pretouch_memory by atomic-add-0 fragments huge pages unexpectedly + JDK-8315965: Open source various AWT applet tests + JDK-8315969: compiler/rangechecks/ / make flagless + JDK-8316104: Open source several Swing SplitPane and RadioButton related tests + JDK-8316131: runtime/cds/appcds/ fails with JNI error + JDK-8316193: jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ java.lang.Exception: Could not find leak + JDK-8316211: Open source several manual applet tests + JDK-8316240: Open source several add/remove MenuBar manual tests + JDK-8316285: Opensource JButton manual tests + JDK-8316306: Open source and convert manual Swing test + JDK-8316328: Test jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ / times out for some heap sizes + JDK-8316361: C2: assert(!failure) failed: Missed optimization opportunity in PhaseIterGVN with -XX:VerifyIterativeGVN=10 + JDK-8316389: Open source few AWT applet tests + JDK-8316756: C2 EA fails with "missing memory path" when encountering unsafe_arraycopy stub call + JDK-8317112: Add screenshot for Frame/ + JDK-8317128: java/nio/file/Files/ failed with AccessDeniedException + JDK-8317240: Promptly free OopMapEntry after fail to insert the entry to OopMapCache + JDK-8317288: [macos] java/awt/Window/Grab/ Press on the outside area didn't cause ungrab + JDK-8317299: safepoint scalarization doesn't keep track of the depth of the JVM state + JDK-8317360: Missing null checks in JfrCheckpointManager and JfrStringPool initialization routines + JDK-8317372: Refactor some NumberFormat tests to use JUnit + JDK-8317446: ProblemList gc/arguments/ on macosx-aarch64 in Xcomp + JDK-8317449: ProblemList serviceability/jvmti/stress/ /StackTrace/NotSuspended/ / on several platforms + JDK-8317635: Improve GetClassFields test to verify correctness of field order + JDK-8317696: Fix compilation with clang-16 + JDK-8317738: CodeCacheFullCountTest failed with "VirtualMachineError: Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic" + JDK-8317831: compiler/codecache/ fails on OL 8.8 with unexpected memory string + JDK-8318071: IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions flag still causes failure in ArchiveHeapTestClass + JDK-8318479: [jmh] the test security.CacheBench failed for multiple threads run + JDK-8318605: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/stack tests + JDK-8319197: Exclude hb-subset and hb-style from compilation + JDK-8319406: x86: Shorter movptr(reg, imm) for 32-bit immediates + JDK-8319773: Avoid inflating monitors when installing hash codes for LM_LIGHTWEIGHT + JDK-8319793: C2 compilation fails with "Bad graph detected in build_loop_late" after JDK-8279888 + JDK-8319817: Charset constructor should make defensive copy of aliases + JDK-8319818: Address GCC 13.2.0 warnings (stringop-overflow and dangling-pointer) + JDK-8320079: The test has no control buttons + JDK-8320212: Disable GCC stringop-overflow warning for affected files + JDK-8320379: C2: Sort spilling/unspilling sequence for better ld/st merging into ldp/stp on AArch64 + JDK-8320602: Lock contention in SchemaDVFactory.getInstance() + JDK-8320608: Many jtreg printing tests are missing the @printer keyword + JDK-8320655: awt screencast robot spin and sync issues with native libpipewire api + JDK-8320675: PrinterJob/ hangs + JDK-8320945: problemlist tests failing on latest Windows 11 update + JDK-8321025: Enable Neoverse N1 optimizations for Neoverse V2 + JDK-8321176: [Screencast] make a second attempt on screencast failure + JDK-8321206: Make Locale related system properties `StaticProperty` + JDK-8321220: JFR: RecordedClass reports incorrect modifiers + JDK-8321278: C2: Partial peeling fails with assert "last_peel <- first_not_peeled" + JDK-8321509: False positive in get_trampoline fast path causes crash + JDK-8321933: spawns two processes + JDK-8322008: Exclude some CDS tests from running with - Xshare:off + JDK-8322062: com/sun/jdi/ does not performs negative testing with prefix length + JDK-8322330: OOMEs with Parallel GC and ZGC + JDK-8322726: C2: Unloaded signature class kills argument value + JDK-8322743: C2: prevent lock region elimination in OSR compilation + JDK-8322766: Micro bench SSLHandshake should use default algorithms + JDK-8322881: java/nio/file/Files/ fails with AccessDeniedException due to permissions of files in /tmp + JDK-8322971: KEM.getInstance() should check if a 3rd-party security provider is signed + JDK-8322996: BoxLockNode creation fails with assert(reg < CHUNK_SIZE) failed: sanity + JDK-8323122: AArch64: Increase itable stub size estimate + JDK-8323196: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/filestream/ failed with "Events are not ordered! Reuse = false" + JDK-8323274: C2: array load may float above range check + JDK-8323552: AbstractMemorySegmentImpl#mismatch returns -1 when comparing distinct areas of the same instance of MemorySegment + JDK-8323577: C2 SuperWord: remove AlignVector restrictions on IR tests added in JDK-8305055 + JDK-8323584: AArch64: Unnecessary ResourceMark in NativeCall::set_destination_mt_safe + JDK-8323670: A few client tests intermittently throw ConcurrentModificationException + JDK-8323682: C2: guard check is not generated in Arrays.copyOfRange intrinsic when allocation is eliminated by EA + JDK-8323782: Race: Thread::interrupt vs. AbstractInterruptibleChannel.begin + JDK-8323801: tag doesn't strikethrough the text + JDK-8323972: C2 compilation fails with assert(!x->as_Loop()->is_loop_nest_inner_loop()) failed: loop was transformed + JDK-8324174: assert(m->is_entered(current)) failed: invariant + JDK-8324577: [REDO] - [IMPROVE] OPEN_MAX is no longer the max limit on macOS >= 10.6 for RLIMIT_NOFILE + JDK-8324580: SIGFPE on THP initialization on kernels < 4.10 + JDK-8324641: [IR Framework] Add Setup method to provide custom arguments and set fields + JDK-8324668: JDWP process management needs more efficient file descriptor handling + JDK-8324755: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/gctests/LargeObjects tests + JDK-8324781: runtime/Thread/ failed with Expected a higher ratio between stack committed and reserved + JDK-8324808: Manual printer tests have no Pass/Fail buttons, instructions close set 3 + JDK-8324969: C2: prevent elimination of unbalanced coarsened locking regions + JDK-8324983: Race in CompileBroker::possibly_add_compiler_threads + JDK-8325022: Incorrect error message on client authentication + JDK-8325037: x86: enable and fix hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorization/ + JDK-8325083: jdk/incubator/vector/ crashes in Assembler::vex_prefix_and_encode + JDK-8325179: Race in BasicDirectoryModel.validateFileCache + JDK-8325218: gc/parallel/ fails + JDK-8325382: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo throws IOException when position equals size + JDK-8325384: sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/ / failing intermittently when main thread is a virtual thread + JDK-8325469: Freeze/Thaw code can crash in the presence of OSR frames + JDK-8325494: C2: Broken graph after not skipping CastII node anymore for Assertion Predicates after JDK-8309902 + JDK-8325520: Vector loads and stores with indices and masks incorrectly compiled + JDK-8325542: CTW: Runner can produce negative StressSeed + JDK-8325587: Shenandoah: ShenandoahLock should allow blocking in VM + JDK-8325616: JFR ZGC Allocation Stall events should record stack traces + JDK-8325620: HTMLReader uses ConvertAction instead of specified CharacterAction for , , + JDK-8325754: Dead AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionNodes survive minor garbage collections + JDK-8325763: Revert properties: vm.opt.x.* + JDK-8326106: Write and clear stack trace table outside of safepoint + JDK-8326129: Java Record Pattern Match leads to infinite loop + JDK-8326332: Unclosed inline tags cause misalignment in summary tables + JDK-8326717: Disable stringop-overflow in shenandoahLock.cpp + JDK-8326734: text-decoration applied to lost when mixed with or + JDK-8327007: javax/swing/JSpinner/8008657/ fails + JDK-8327040: Problemlist test failing in macos14 + JDK-8327137: Add test for ConcurrentModificationException in BasicDirectoryModel + JDK-8327401: Some jtreg tests fail on Wayland without any tracking bug + JDK-8327423: C2 remove_main_post_loops: check if main-loop belongs to pre-loop, not just assert + JDK-8327424: ProblemList serviceability/sa/ on all platforms with ZGC + JDK-8327501: Common ForkJoinPool prevents class unloading in some cases + JDK-8327650: Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ / timed out + JDK-8327787: Convert javax/swing/border/ applet test to main + JDK-8327840: Automate javax/swing/border/ + JDK-8327990: [macosx-aarch64] Various tests fail with - XX:+AssertWXAtThreadSync + JDK-8328011: Convert java/awt/Frame/GetBoundsResizeTest/ / applet test to main + JDK-8328075: Shenandoah: Avoid forwarding when objects don't move in full-GC + JDK-8328110: Allow simultaneous use of PassFailJFrame with split UI and additional windows + JDK-8328115: Convert java/awt/font/TextLayout/ /TestJustification.html applet test to main + JDK-8328158: Convert java/awt/Choice/NonFocusablePopupMenuTest to automatic main test + JDK-8328218: Delete test java/awt/Window/FindOwner/FindOwner.html + JDK-8328234: Remove unused nativeUtils files + JDK-8328238: Convert few closed manual applet tests to main + JDK-8328269: should be marked as headful + JDK-8328273: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ / failed with java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use + JDK-8328366: Thread.setContextClassloader from thread in FJP commonPool task no longer works after JDK-8327501 + JDK-8328560: java/awt/event/MouseEvent/ClickDuringKeypress/ / imports Applet + JDK-8328561: test java/awt/Robot/ManualInstructions/ / isn't used + JDK-8328642: Convert applet test MouseDraggedOutCauseScrollingTest.html to main + JDK-8328647: fails with C1-only and -Xcomp + JDK-8328697: SubMenuShowTest and SwallowKeyEvents tests stabilization + JDK-8328785: IOException: Symbol not found: C_GetInterface for PKCS11 interface prior to V3.0 + JDK-8328896: Fontmetrics for large Fonts has zero width + JDK-8328953: throws ChangedCharSetException + JDK-8328999: Update GIFlib to 5.2.2 + JDK-8329004: Update Libpng to 1.6.43 + JDK-8329088: Stack chunk thawing races with concurrent GC stack iteration + JDK-8329103: assert(!thread->in_asgct()) failed during multi-mode profiling + JDK-8329126: No native wrappers generated anymore with - XX:-TieredCompilation after JDK-8251462 + JDK-8329134: Reconsider TLAB zapping + JDK-8329258: TailCall should not use frame pointer register for jump target + JDK-8329510: Update ProblemList for JFileChooser/8194044/ + JDK-8329559: Test javax/swing/JFrame/ failed because The End and Start buttons are not placed correctly and Tab focus does not move as expected + JDK-8329665: fatal error: memory leak: allocating without ResourceMark + JDK-8329667: [macos] Issue with JTree related fix for JDK-8317771 + JDK-8329995: Restricted access to `/proc` can cause JFR initialization to crash + JDK-8330027: Identity hashes of archived objects must be based on a reproducible random seed + JDK-8330063: Upgrade jQuery to 3.7.1 + JDK-8330133: crashes on some pkcs#11 v3.0 libraries + JDK-8330146: assert(!_thread->is_in_any_VTMS_transition()) failed + JDK-8330520: linux clang build fails in os_linux.cpp with static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension + JDK-8330576: ZYoungCompactionLimit should have range check + JDK-8330611: AES-CTR vector intrinsic may read out of bounds (x86_64, AVX-512) + JDK-8330748: ByteArrayOutputStream.writeTo(OutputStream) pins carrier + JDK-8330814: Cleanups for KeepAliveCache tests + JDK-8330819: C2 SuperWord: bad dominance after pre-loop limit adjustment with base that has CastLL after pre-loop + JDK-8330849: Add test to verify memory usage with recursive locking + JDK-8330981: ZGC: Should not dedup strings in the finalizer graph + JDK-8331011: [XWayland] TokenStorage fails under Security Manager + JDK-8331063: Some HttpClient tests don't report leaks + JDK-8331077: nroff man page update for jar tool + JDK-8331142: Add test for number of loader threads in BasicDirectoryModel + JDK-8331153: JFR: Improve logging of jdk/jfr/api/consumer/filestream/ + JDK-8331164: download jars fail when url needed to be redirected + JDK-8331266: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-21.0.5 + JDK-8331405: Shenandoah: Optimize ShenandoahLock with TTAS + JDK-8331411: Shenandoah: Reconsider spinning duration in ShenandoahLock + JDK-8331421: ubsan: vmreg.cpp checking error member call on misaligned address + JDK-8331495: Limit BasicDirectoryModel/ to Windows only + JDK-8331518: Tests should not use the "Classpath" exception form of the legal header + JDK-8331572: Allow using OopMapCache outside of STW GC phases + JDK-8331573: Rename CollectedHeap::is_gc_active to be explicitly about STW GCs + JDK-8331575: C2: crash when ConvL2I is split thru phi at LongCountedLoop + JDK-8331605: jdk/test/lib/ test failure + JDK-8331626: unsafe.cpp:162:38: runtime error in index_oop_from_field_offset_long - applying non-zero offset 4563897424 to null pointer + JDK-8331714: Make OopMapCache installation lock-free + JDK-8331731: ubsan: relocInfo.cpp:155:30: runtime error: applying non-zero offset to null pointer + JDK-8331746: Create a test to verify that the cmm id is not ignored + JDK-8331771: ZGC: Remove OopMapCacheAlloc_lock ordering workaround + JDK-8331789: ubsan: deoptimization.cpp:403:29: runtime error: load of value 208, which is not a valid value for type 'bool' + JDK-8331798: Remove unused arg of checkErgonomics() in + JDK-8331854: ubsan: copy.hpp:218:10: runtime error: addition of unsigned offset to 0x7fc2b4024518 overflowed to 0x7fc2b4024510 + JDK-8331863: DUIterator_Fast used before it is constructed + JDK-8331885: C2: meet between unloaded and speculative types is not symmetric + JDK-8331931: JFR: Avoid loading regex classes during startup + JDK-8331999: BasicDirectoryModel/ frequently fails on Windows in CI + JDK-8332008: Enable issuestitle check + JDK-8332113: Update nsk.share.Log to be always verbose + JDK-8332154: Memory leak in SynchronousQueue + JDK-8332174: Remove 2 (unpaired) RLO Unicode characters in ff_Adlm.xml + JDK-8332248: (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ / failed with RuntimeException + JDK-8332424: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-05-16 + JDK-8332431: NullPointerException in JTable of SwingSet2 + JDK-8332473: ubsan: growableArray.hpp:290:10: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 1, which is declared to never be null + JDK-8332490: JMH .InflaterInputStreams.inflaterInputStreamRead OOM + JDK-8332499: Gtest codestrings.validate_vm fail on linux x64 when hsdis is present + JDK-8332524: Instead of printing "TLSv1.3," it is showing "TLS13" + JDK-8332589: ubsan: unix/native/libjava/ProcessImpl_md.c:562:5: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null + JDK-8332675: test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/testlibrary/ compileClass javadoc does not match after 8321812 + JDK-8332699: ubsan: jfrEventSetting.inline.hpp:31:43: runtime error: index 163 out of bounds for type 'jfrNativeEventSetting [162]' + JDK-8332717: ZGC: Division by zero in heuristics + JDK-8332720: ubsan: instanceKlass.cpp:3550:76: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct Array' + JDK-8332818: ubsan: archiveHeapLoader.cpp:70:27: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 18446744073707454464 to null pointer + JDK-8332825: ubsan: guardedMemory.cpp:35:11: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null + JDK-8332885: Clarify failure_handler self-tests + JDK-8332894: ubsan: vmError.cpp:2090:26: runtime error: division by zero + JDK-8332898: failure_handler: log directory of commands + JDK-8332903: ubsan: opto/output.cpp:1002:18: runtime error: load of value 171, which is not a valid value for type 'bool' + JDK-8332904: ubsan ppc64le: c1_LIRGenerator_ppc.cpp:581:21: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 9223372036854775807 + 1 cannot be represented in type 'long int' + JDK-8332905: C2 SuperWord: bad AD file, with RotateRightV and first operand not a pack + JDK-8332920: C2: Partial Peeling is wrongly applied for CmpU with negative limit + JDK-8332935: Crash: assert(*lastPtr != 0) failed: Mismatched JNINativeInterface tables, check for new entries + JDK-8332936: Test vmTestbase/metaspace/gc/watermark_70_80/ / fails with no GC's recorded + JDK-8332959: C2: ZGC fails with 'Incorrect load shift' when invoking Object.clone() reflectively on an array + JDK-8333088: ubsan: shenandoahAdaptiveHeuristics.cpp:245:44: runtime error: division by zero + JDK-8333093: Incorrect comment in zAddress_aarch64.cpp + JDK-8333099: Missing check for is_LoadVector in StoreNode::Identity + JDK-8333149: ubsan : memset on nullptr target detected in jvmtiEnvBase.cpp get_object_monitor_usage + JDK-8333178: ubsan: jvmti_tools.cpp:149:16: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null + JDK-8333270: HandlersOnComplexResetUpdate and HandlersOnComplexUpdate tests fail with "Unexpected reference" if timeoutFactor is less than 1/3 + JDK-8333277: ubsan: mlib_ImageScanPoly.c:292:43: runtime error: division by zero + JDK-8333353: Delete extra empty line in + JDK-8333354: ubsan: frame.inline.hpp:91:25: and src/hotspot/share/runtime/frame.inline.hpp:88:29: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'const struct SmallRegisterMap' + JDK-8333361: ubsan,test : libHeapMonitorTest.cpp:518:9: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null + JDK-8333363: ubsan: instanceKlass.cpp: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct AnnotationArray' + JDK-8333366: C2: CmpU3Nodes are not pushed back to worklist in PhaseCCP leading to non-fixpoint assertion failure + JDK-8333398: Uncomment the commented test in test/jdk/java/ /util/jar/JarFile/mrjar/ + JDK-8333462: Performance regression of new DecimalFormat() when compare to jdk11 + JDK-8333477: Delete extra empty spaces in Makefiles + JDK-8333542: Breakpoint in parallel code does not work + JDK-8333622: ubsan: relocInfo_x86.cpp:101:56: runtime error: pointer index expression with base (-1) overflowed + JDK-8333639: ubsan: cppVtables.cpp:81:55: runtime error: index 14 out of bounds for type 'long int [1]' + JDK-8333652: RISC-V: compiler/vectorapi/ / fails when using RVV + JDK-8333716: Shenandoah: Check for disarmed method before taking the nmethod lock + JDK-8333724: Problem list security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ [#]teliasonerarootcav1 + JDK-8333804: java/net/httpclient/ threw an exception with 0 failures + JDK-8333887: ubsan: unsafe.cpp:247:13: runtime error: store to null pointer of type 'volatile int' + JDK-8334078: RISC-V: fails after JDK-8332153 when running without RVV + JDK-8334123: log the opening of Type 1 fonts + JDK-8334166: Enable binary check + JDK-8334239: Introduce macro for ubsan method/function exclusions + JDK-8334297: (so) java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ should not depend on SecurityManager + JDK-8334332: fails if run by root + JDK-8334333: fails if run by root + JDK-8334339: Test java/nio/file/attribute/ /BasicFileAttributeView/ fails on alinux3 + JDK-8334418: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 + JDK-8334421: assert(!oldbox->is_unbalanced()) failed: this should not be called for unbalanced region + JDK-8334482: Shenandoah: Deadlock when safepoint is pending during nmethods iteration + JDK-8334592: ProblemList serviceability/jvmti/stress/ /StackTrace/NotSuspended/ / in jdk21 on all platforms + JDK-8334594: Generational ZGC: Deadlock after OopMap rewrites in 8331572 + JDK-8334600: TEST java/net/MulticastSocket/ fails on linux-aarch64 + JDK-8334618: ubsan: support setting additional ubsan check options + JDK-8334653: ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update + JDK-8334769: Shenandoah: Move CodeCache_lock close to its use in ShenandoahConcurrentNMethodIterator + JDK-8334867: Add back assertion from JDK-8325494 + JDK-8335007: Inline OopMapCache table + JDK-8335134: Test com/sun/jdi/ timeout + JDK-8335150: Test fails on rpmbuild mock enviroment + JDK-8335237: ubsan: vtableStubs.hpp is_vtable_stub exclude from ubsan checks + JDK-8335283: Build failure due to 'no_sanitize' attribute directive ignored + JDK-8335409: Can't allocate and retain memory from resource area in frame::oops_interpreted_do oop closure after 8329665 + JDK-8335493: check_gc_overhead_limit should reset SoftRefPolicy::_should_clear_all_soft_refs + JDK-8335536: Fix assertion failure in IdealGraphPrinter when append is true + JDK-8335743: jhsdb jstack cannot print some information on the waiting thread + JDK-8335775: Remove extraneous 's' in comment of rawmonitor.cpp test file + JDK-8335904: Fix invalid comment in ShenandoahLock + JDK-8335967: "text-decoration: none" does not work with "A" HTML tags + JDK-8336284: Test fails with -Xcomp after JDK-8335743 + JDK-8336301: test/jdk/java/nio/channels/ / leaves around a FIFO file upon test completion + JDK-8336342: Fix known X11 library locations in sysroot + JDK-8336343: Add more known sysroot library locations for ALSA + JDK-8336926: jdk/internal/util/ can fail with ConcurrentModificationException + JDK-8336928: GHA: Bundle artifacts removal broken + JDK-8337038: Test java/nio/file/attribute/ /BasicFileAttributeView/ shoud set as /native + JDK-8337283: configure.log is truncated when build dir is on different filesystem + JDK-8337622: IllegalArgumentException in java.lang.reflect.Field.get + JDK-8337664: Distrust TLS server certificates issued after Oct 2024 and anchored by Entrust Root CAs + JDK-8338139: {ClassLoading,Memory}MXBean::isVerbose methods are inconsistent with their setVerbose methods + JDK-8338286: GHA: Demote x86_32 to hotspot build only + JDK-8338696: (fs) BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() falls back to epoch if birth time is unavailable (Linux) + JDK-8339869: [21u] Test fails with UnsatisfiedLinkError after 8334339 + JDK-8341057: Add 2 TLS roots + JDK-8341059: Change Entrust TLS distrust date to November 12, 2024 + JDK-8341674: [21u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 21.0.5 + JDK-8341989: [21u] Back out JDK-8327501 and JDK-8328366- Update to upstream tag jdk-21.0.4+7 (July 2024 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8314794, CVE-2024-21131, bsc#1228046: Improve UTF8 String supports + JDK-8319859, CVE-2024-21138, bsc#1228047: Better symbol storage + JDK-8320097: Improve Image transformations + JDK-8320548, CVE-2024-21140, bsc#1228048: Improved loop handling + JDK-8323231, CVE-2024-21147, bsc#1228052: Improve array management + JDK-8323390: Enhance mask blit functionality + JDK-8324559, CVE-2024-21145, bsc#1228051: Improve 2D image handling + JDK-8325600: Better symbol storage + JDK-8327413: Enhance compilation efficiency * Other changes + JDK-7001133: OutOfMemoryError by CustomMediaSizeName implementation + JDK-8159927: Add a test to verify JMOD files created in the images do not have debug symbols + JDK-8185862: AWT Assertion Failure in ::GetDIBits(hBMDC, hBM, 0, 1, 0, gpBitmapInfo, 0) 'awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.cpp', at line 185 + JDK-8187759: Background not refreshed when painting over a transparent JFrame + JDK-8223696: java/net/httpclient/ failed with didn't finish within the time-out + JDK-8259866: two java.util tests failed with "IOException: There is not enough space on the disk" + JDK-8266242: java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ failing on macOS 11 ARM + JDK-8278527: java/util/concurrent/tck/ fails nanoTime test + JDK-8280056: gtest/ failed "os.release_one_mapping_multi_commits_vm" + JDK-8281658: Add a security category to the java - XshowSettings option + JDK-8288936: Wrong lock ordering writing G1HeapRegionTypeChange JFR event + JDK-8288989: Make tests not depend on the source code + JDK-8293069: Make -XX:+Verbose less verbose + JDK-8293850: need a largest_committed metric for each category of NMT's output + JDK-8294699: Launcher causes lingering busy cursor + JDK-8294985: SSLEngine throws IAE during parsing of X500Principal + JDK-8295111: dpkg appears to have problems resolving symbolically linked native libraries + JDK-8299023: and are failing intermittently + JDK-8301183: (zipfs) jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ / failing with ZipException:R0 on OL9 + JDK-8303525: Refactor/cleanup open/test/jdk/javax/rmi/ssl/ + JDK-8303773: Replace "main.wrapper" with "test.thread.factory" property in test code + JDK-8303891: Speed up Zip64SizeTest using a small ZIP64 file + JDK-8303959: tools/jpackage/share/ fails with java.lang.AssertionError missing files + JDK-8303972: (zipfs) Make test/jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ / independent of the zip command line + JDK-8304839: Move TestScaffold.main() to the separate class DebugeeWrapper + JDK-8305645: System Tray icons get corrupted when Windows primary monitor changes + JDK-8305931: jdk/jfr/jcmd/ failed with "Expected chains but found none" + JDK-8306040: HttpResponseInputStream.available() returns 1 on empty stream + JDK-8308144: Uncontrolled memory consumption in SSLFlowDelegate.Reader + JDK-8308453: Convert JKS test keystores in test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/etc to PKCS12 + JDK-8309142: Refactor test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/ / + JDK-8309752: com/sun/jdi/ fails with virtual test thread factory due to OpaqueFrameException + JDK-8309757: com/sun/jdi/ fails with virtual test thread factory + JDK-8309763: Move tests in test/jdk/sun/misc/URLClassPath directory to test/jdk/jdk/internal/loader + JDK-8309871: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/ / timed out + JDK-8309890: waits for the wrong condition + JDK-8310070: Test javax/net/ssl/DTLS/ timed out + JDK-8310228: Improve error reporting for uncaught native exceptions on Windows + JDK-8310234: Refactor Locale tests to use JUnit + JDK-8310355: Move the stub test from initialize_final_stubs() to test/hotspot/gtest + JDK-8310513: [s390x] Intrinsify recursive ObjectMonitor locking + JDK-8310731: Configure a for the HTTP/1.1 test servers in java/net/httpclient tests + JDK-8310818: Refactor more Locale tests to use JUnit + JDK-8310913: Move ReferencedKeyMap to jdk.internal so it may be shared + JDK-8311792: java/net/httpclient/ fails intermittently with AssertionError: Found some outstanding operations + JDK-8311823: JFR: Uninitialized EventEmitter::_thread_id field + JDK-8311881: jdk/javax/swing/ProgressMonitor/ does not show the ProgressMonitorInputStream all the time + JDK-8311964: Some jtreg tests failing on x86 with error 'unrecognized VM options' (C2 flags) + JDK-8312014: [s390x] Failure + JDK-8312194: test/hotspot/jtreg/applications/ctw/modules/ / cannot handle empty modules + JDK-8312218: Print additional debug information when hitting assert(in_hash) + JDK-8312320: Remove javax/rmi/ssl/ from ProblemList + JDK-8312383: Log X509ExtendedKeyManager implementation class name in TLS/SSL connection + JDK-8312498: Thread::getState and JVM TI GetThreadState should return TIMED_WAITING virtual thread is timed parked + JDK-8312777: notifyJvmtiMount before notifyJvmtiUnmount 8321270: Virtual Thread.yield consumes parking permit + JDK-8313394: Array Elements in OldObjectSample event has the incorrect description + JDK-8313612: Use JUnit in lib-test/jdk tests + JDK-8313702: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-08-02 + JDK-8313710: jcmd: typo in the documentation of JFR.start and JFR.dump + JDK-8313899: JVMCI exception Translation can fail in TranslatedException. + JDK-8314573: G1: Heap resizing at Remark does not take existing eden regions into account + JDK-8314824: Fix serviceability/jvmti/8036666/ / to use vm flags + JDK-8314828: Mark 3 jcmd command-line options test as vm.flagless + JDK-8314832: Few runtime/os tests ignore vm flags + JDK-8314975: JavadocTester should set source path if not specified + JDK-8315071: Modify, to use new PassFailJFrame's builder pattern usage + JDK-8315117: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3 + JDK-8315373: Change VirtualThread to unmount after freezing, re-mount before thawing + JDK-8315485: (fs) Move java/nio/file/Path/ tests into java/nio/file/Path/ + JDK-8315503: G1: Code root scan causes long GC pauses due to imbalanced iteration + JDK-8315559: Delay TempSymbol cleanup to avoid symbol table churn + JDK-8315605: G1: Add number of nmethods in code roots scanning statistics + JDK-8315609: Open source few more swing text/html tests + JDK-8315652: RISC-V: Features string uses wrong separator for jtreg + JDK-8315663: Open source misc awt tests + JDK-8315677: Open source few swing JFileChooser and other tests + JDK-8315741: Open source few swing JFormattedTextField and JPopupMenu tests + JDK-8315824: Open source several Swing Text/HTML related tests + JDK-8315834: Open source several Swing JSpinner related tests + JDK-8315889: Open source several Swing HTMLDocument related tests + JDK-8315898: Open source swing JMenu tests + JDK-8315998: Remove dead ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorStatic + JDK-8316002: Remove unnecessary seen_dead_loader in ClassLoaderDataGraph::do_unloading + JDK-8316053: Open some swing tests 3 + JDK-8316138: Add GlobalSign 2 TLS root certificates + JDK-8316154: Opensource JTextArea manual tests + JDK-8316164: Opensource JMenuBar manual test + JDK-8316186: RISC-V: Remove PlatformCmpxchg<4> + JDK-8316228: jcmd tests are broken by 8314828 + JDK-8316242: Opensource SwingGraphics manual test + JDK-8316451: 6 java/lang/instrument/PremainClass tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8316460: 4 javax/management tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8316559: Refactor some util/Calendar tests to JUnit + JDK-8316563: test tools/jpackage/linux/ fails on CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111 and Fedora 27 + JDK-8316608: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/vector tests + JDK-8316669: ImmutableOopMapSet destructor not called + JDK-8316670: Remove effectively unused nmethodBucket::_count + JDK-8316696: Remove the testing base classes: IntlTest and CollatorTest + JDK-8316924: java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/ times out + JDK-8316959: Improve InlineCacheBuffer pending queue management + JDK-8317007: Add bulk removal of dead nmethods during class unloading + JDK-8317235: Remove Access API use in nmethod class + JDK-8317287: [macos14] Child VM: abnormal termination + JDK-8317350: Move code cache purging out of CodeCache::UnloadingScope + JDK-8317440: Lock rank checking fails when code root set is modified with the Servicelock held after JDK-8315503 + JDK-8317600: VtableStubs::stub_containing() table load not ordered wrt to stores + JDK-8317631: Refactor ChoiceFormat tests to use JUnit + JDK-8317677: Specialize Vtablestubs::entry_for() for VtableBlob + JDK-8317809: Insertion of free code blobs into code cache can be very slow during class unloading + JDK-8317965: fails with "Unable to load native library.: expected true, was false" + JDK-8318109: Writing JFR records while a CHT has taken its lock asserts in rank checking + JDK-8318322: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-10-16 + JDK-8318455: Fix the compiler/sharedstubs/ / and + JDK-8318580: "javax/swing/MultiMonitor/ failing with Error. Can't find library: /open/test/jdk/java/ /awt/regtesthelpers" after JDK-8316053 + JDK-8318585: Rename CodeCache::UnloadingScope to UnlinkingScope + JDK-8318599: HttpURLConnection cache issues leading to crashes in JGSS w/ native GSS introduced by 8303809 + JDK-8318720: G1: Memory leak in G1CodeRootSet after JDK-8315503 + JDK-8318727: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/vm/gc/concurrent tests + JDK-8318757: VM_ThreadDump asserts in interleaved ObjectMonitor::deflate_monitor calls + JDK-8318854: [macos14] Running any AWT app prints Secure coding warning + JDK-8318962: Update ProcessTools javadoc with suggestions in 8315097 + JDK-8318986: Improve GenericWaitBarrier performance + JDK-8319048: Monitor deflation unlink phase prolongs time to safepoint + JDK-8319153: Fix: Class is a raw type in ProcessTools + JDK-8319265: fails on windows-x64 "Unable to load b.jar" + JDK-8319338: tools/jpackage/share/ fails with -XX:+UseZGC + JDK-8319376: ParallelGC: Forwarded objects found during heap inspection + JDK-8319437: NMT should show library names in call stacks + JDK-8319567: Update java/lang/invoke tests to support vm flags + JDK-8319568: Update java/lang/reflect/exeCallerAccessTest/ / to accept vm flags + JDK-8319571: Update jni/nullCaller/ to accept flags or mark as flagless + JDK-8319574: Exec/process tests should be marked as flagless + JDK-8319578: Few java/lang/instrument ignore and accept test.vm.opts only + JDK-8319647: Few java/lang/System/LoggerFinder/modules tests ignore vm flags + JDK-8319648: java/lang/SecurityManager tests ignore vm flags + JDK-8319650: Improve heap dump performance with class metadata caching + JDK-8319651: Several network tests ignore vm flags when start java process + JDK-8319672: Several classloader tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8319676: A couple of jdk/modules/incubator/ tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8319677: Test jdk/internal/misc/VM/ should be marked as flagless + JDK-8319713: Parallel: Remove PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::should_full_GC + JDK-8319757: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ / failed: wrong exception thrown + JDK-8319876: Reduce memory consumption of VM_ThreadDump::doit + JDK-8319896: Remove monitor deflation from final audit + JDK-8319955: Improve dependencies removal during class unloading + JDK-8320005: Allow loading of shared objects with .a extension on AIX + JDK-8320061: [nmt] Multiple issues with peak accounting + JDK-8320113: [macos14] : fails intermittently on macOS 14 + JDK-8320129: "top" command during jtreg failure handler does not display CPU usage on OSX + JDK-8320275: assert(_chunk->bitmap().at(index)) failed: Bit not set at index + JDK-8320331: G1 Full GC Heap verification relies on metadata not reset before verification + JDK-8320342: Use PassFailJFrame for + JDK-8320343: Generate GIF images for AbstractButton/5049549/ + JDK-8320349: Simplify by using single-window testUI + JDK-8320365: IPPPrintService.getAttributes() causes blanket re-initialisation + JDK-8320370: NMT: Change MallocMemorySnapshot to simplify code. + JDK-8320515: assert(monitor->object_peek() != nullptr) failed: Owned monitors should not have a dead object + JDK-8320525: G1: G1UpdateRemSetTrackingBeforeRebuild::distribute_marked_bytes accesses partially unloaded klass + JDK-8320570: NegativeArraySizeException decoding >1G UTF8 bytes with non-ascii characters + JDK-8320681: [macos] Test tools/jpackage/macosx/ / timed out on macOS + JDK-8320692: Null icon returned for .exe without custom icon + JDK-8320707: Virtual thread test updates + JDK-8320712: Rewrite BadFactoryTest in pure Java + JDK-8320714: java/util/Locale/ and java/util/ResourceBundle/modules/visibility/ / timeout after passing + JDK-8320715: Improve the tests of test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/float16 + JDK-8320924: Improve heap dump performance by optimizing archived object checks + JDK-8321075: RISC-V: UseSystemMemoryBarrier lacking proper OS support + JDK-8321107: Add more test cases for JDK-8319372 + JDK-8321163: [test] OutputAnalyzer.getExitValue() unnecessarily logs even when process has already completed + JDK-8321182: SourceExample.SOURCE_14 comment should refer to 'switch expressions' instead of 'text blocks' + JDK-8321276: runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/ / failed with "'17 2: jdk/test/lib/apps ' missing from stdout/stderr" + JDK-8321489: Update LCMS to 2.16 + JDK-8321713: Harmonize executeTestJvm with create[Limited]TestJavaProcessBuilder + JDK-8321718: ProcessTools.executeProcess calls waitFor before logging + JDK-8321812: Update GC tests to use execute[Limited]TestJava + JDK-8321815: Shenandoah: gc state should be synchronized to java threads only once per safepoint + JDK-8321925: sun/security/mscapi/ fails with "Alias <246810> does not exist" + JDK-8322239: [macos] a11y : java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown when focus is moved on the JTabbedPane + JDK-8322477: order of subclasses in the permits clause can differ between compilations + JDK-8322503: Shenandoah: Clarify gc state usage + JDK-8322818: Thread::getStackTrace can fail with InternalError if virtual thread is timed-parked when pinned + JDK-8322846: Running with -Djdk.tracePinnedThreads set can hang + JDK-8322858: compiler/c2/aarch64/ fails on AArch64 due to unexpected PrintAssembly output + JDK-8322920: Some ProcessTools.execute* functions are declared to throw Throwable + JDK-8322962: Upcall stub might go undetected when freezing frames + JDK-8323002: test/jdk/java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/ / times out on macosx-x64 + JDK-8323170: j2dbench is using outdated javac source/target to be able to build by itself + JDK-8323210: Update the usage of cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA + JDK-8323276: fails on AIX + JDK-8323296: java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/ / timed out + JDK-8323519: Add applications/ctw/modules to Hotspot tiered testing + JDK-8323595: is_aligned(p, alignof(OopT))) assertion fails in Jetty without compressed OOPs + JDK-8323635: Test gc/g1/ fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=3 + JDK-8323685: PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit has mutex rank assert + JDK-8323994: gtest runner repeats test name for every single gtest assertion + JDK-8324121: SIGFPE in PhaseIdealLoop::extract_long_range_checks + JDK-8324123: aarch64: fix prfm literal encoding in assembler + JDK-8324236: compiler/ciReplay/ / failed with RuntimeException: should only dump inline information for ... expected true, was false + JDK-8324238: [macOS] java/awt/Frame/ShapeNotSetSometimes/ / fails with the shape has not been applied msg + JDK-8324243: Compilation failures in java.desktop module with gcc 14 + JDK-8324632: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3.1 + JDK-8324646: Avoid Class.forName in SecureRandom constructor + JDK-8324648: Avoid NoSuchMethodError when instantiating NativePRNG + JDK-8324723: GHA: Upgrade some actions to avoid deprecated Node 16 + JDK-8324733: [macos14] Problem list tests which fail due to macOS bug described in JDK-8322653 + JDK-8324817: Parallel GC does not pre-touch all heap pages when AlwaysPreTouch enabled and large page disabled + JDK-8324824: AArch64: Detect Ampere-1B core and update default options for Ampere CPUs + JDK-8324834: Use _LARGE_FILES on AIX + JDK-8324933: ConcurrentHashTable::statistics_calculate synchronization is expensive + JDK-8324998: Add test cases for String.regionMatches comparing Turkic dotted/dotless I with uppercase latin I + JDK-8325024: java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/OCSP/ / incorrect comment information + JDK-8325028: (ch) Pipe channels should lazily set socket to non-blocking mode on first use by virtual thread + JDK-8325095: C2: bailout message broken: ResourceArea allocated string used after free + JDK-8325137: com/sun/management/ThreadMXBean/ / can fail in Xcomp with out of expected range + JDK-8325203: System.exit(0) kills the launched 3rd party application + JDK-8325213: Flags introduced by configure script are not passed to ADLC build + JDK-8325255: jdk.internal.util.ReferencedKeySet::add using wrong test + JDK-8325326: [PPC64] Don't relocate in case of allocation failure + JDK-8325372: Shenandoah: SIGSEGV crash in unnecessary_acquire due to LoadStore split through phi + JDK-8325432: enhance assert message "relocation addr must be in this section" + JDK-8325437: Safepoint polling in monitor deflation can cause massive logs + JDK-8325567: jspawnhelper without args fails with segfault + JDK-8325579: Inconsistent behavior in com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection::createSocket + JDK-8325613: CTW: Stale method cleanup requires GC after Sweeper removal + JDK-8325621: Improve jspawnhelper version checks + JDK-8325743: test/jdk/java/nio/channels/unixdomain/ / enhance user name output in error case + JDK-8325862: set -XX:+ErrorFileToStderr when executing java in containers for some container related jtreg tests + JDK-8325908: Finish removal of IntlTest and CollatorTest + JDK-8325972: Add -x to bash for building with LOG=debug + JDK-8326006: Allow TEST_VM_FLAGLESS to set flagless mode + JDK-8326101: [PPC64] Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when code cache is out of space + JDK-8326140: src/jdk.accessibility/windows/native/ /libjavaaccessbridge/AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints.cpp ReleaseStringChars might be missing in early returns + JDK-8326201: [S390] Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when code cache is out of space + JDK-8326351: Update the Zlib version in open/src/java.base/share/legal/ to 1.3.1 + JDK-8326446: The User and System of jdk.CPULoad on Apple M1 are inaccurate + JDK-8326496: [test] checkHsErrFileContent support printing hserr in error case + JDK-8326521: JFR: CompilerPhase event test fails on windows 32 bit + JDK-8326529: JFR: Test for CompilerCompile events fails due to time out + JDK-8326591: New test fails on Windows when --with-external-symbols-in-bundles=public is used + JDK-8326638: Crash in PhaseIdealLoop::remix_address_expressions due to unexpected Region instead of Loop + JDK-8326643: JDK server does not send a dummy change_cipher_spec record after HelloRetryRequest message + JDK-8326661: sun/java2d/cmm/ColorConvertOp/ assumes profiles were generated by LCMS + JDK-8326685: Linux builds not reproducible if two builds configured in different build folders + JDK-8326718: Test java/util/Formatter/ should timeout on large inputs before fix in JDK-8299677 + JDK-8326773: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-21.0.4 + JDK-8326824: Test: remove redundant test in compiler/vectorapi/reshape/utils/ + JDK-8326891: Prefer RPATH over RUNPATH for $ORIGIN rpaths in internal JDK binaries + JDK-8326936: RISC-V: Shenandoah GC crashes due to incorrect atomic memory operations + JDK-8326948: Force English locale for timeout formatting + JDK-8326960: GHA: RISC-V sysroot cannot be debootstrapped due to ongoing Debian t64 transition + JDK-8326974: ODR violation in macroAssembler_aarch64.cpp + JDK-8327036: [macosx-aarch64] SIGBUS in MarkActivationClosure::do_code_blob reached from Unsafe_CopySwapMemory0 + JDK-8327059: os::Linux::print_proc_sys_info add swappiness information + JDK-8327096: (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ fails on partition incapable of creating large files + JDK-8327136: javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ / fails on libgraal + JDK-8327180: Failed: java/io/ObjectStreamClass/ + JDK-8327261: Parsing test for Double/Float succeeds w/o testing all bad cases + JDK-8327468: Do not restart close if errno is EINTR [macOS/linux] + JDK-8327474: Review use of in jdk tests + JDK-8327486: java/util/Properties/ fails "Text 'xxx' could not be parsed at index 20" after JDK-8174269 + JDK-8327631: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-03-07 + JDK-8327799: JFR view: the "Park Until" field of jdk.ThreadPark is invalid if the parking method is not absolute + JDK-8327971: Multiple ASAN errors reported for metaspace + JDK-8327988: When running ASAN, disable dangerous NMT test + JDK-8327989: java/net/httpclient/ should not use "localhost" in URIs + JDK-8327998: Enable java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ / on Mac + JDK-8328037: Test java/util/Formatter/ has unnecessary high heap requirement after JDK-8326718 + JDK-8328066: WhiteBoxResizeTest failure on linux-x86: Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap + JDK-8328165: improve assert(idx < _maxlrg) failed: oob + JDK-8328166: Epsilon: 'EpsilonHeap::allocate_work' misuses the parameter 'size' as size in bytes + JDK-8328168: Epsilon: Premature OOM when allocating object larger than uncommitted heap size + JDK-8328194: Add a test to check default rendering engine + JDK-8328524: [x86] failure on linux-x86: Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap + JDK-8328540: test javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/ / fails on windows hidpi + JDK-8328555: hidpi problems for test java/awt/Dialog/ /DialogAnotherThread/ + JDK-8328589: unify os::breakpoint among posix platforms + JDK-8328592: hprof tests fail with -XX:-CompactStrings + JDK-8328604: remove on_aix() function + JDK-8328638: Fallback option for POST-only OCSP requests + JDK-8328702: C2: Crash during parsing because sub type check is not folded + JDK-8328703: Illegal accesses in Java_jdk_internal_org_jline_terminal_impl_jna_linux_CLibraryImpl_ioctl0 + JDK-8328705: GHA: Cross-compilation jobs do not require build JDK + JDK-8328709: AIX os::get_summary_cpu_info support Power 10 + JDK-8328744: Parallel: Parallel GC throws OOM before heap is fully expanded + JDK-8328776: [AIX] remove checked_vmgetinfo, use vmgetinfo directly + JDK-8328812: Update and move siphash license + JDK-8328822: C2: "negative trip count?" assert failure in profile predicate code + JDK-8328825: Google CAInterop test failures + JDK-8328938: C2 SuperWord: disable vectorization for large stride and scale + JDK-8328948: GHA: Restoring sysroot from cache skips the build after JDK-8326960 + JDK-8328957: Update to not use hardcoded path + JDK-8328988: [macos14] Problem list which fails due to macOS bug described in JDK-8322653 + JDK-8328997: Remove unnecessary template parameter lists in GrowableArray + JDK-8329013: StackOverflowError when starting Apache Tomcat with signed jar + JDK-8329109: Threads::print_on() tries to print CPU time for terminated GC threads + JDK-8329163: C2: possible overflow in PhaseIdealLoop::extract_long_range_checks() + JDK-8329213: Better validation for option + JDK-8329223: Parallel: Parallel GC resizes heap even if -Xms = -Xmx + JDK-8329545: [s390x] Fix garbage value being passed in Argument Register + JDK-8329570: G1: Excessive is_obj_dead_cond calls in verification + JDK-8329605: hs errfile generic events - move memory protections and nmethod flushes to separate sections + JDK-8329663: hs_err file event log entry for thread adding/removing should print current thread + JDK-8329823: RISC-V: Need to sync CPU features with related JVM flags + JDK-8329840: Fix ZPhysicalMemorySegment::_end type + JDK-8329850: [AIX] Allow loading of different members of same shared library archive + JDK-8329862: libjli GetApplicationHome cleanups and enhance jli tracing + JDK-8329961: Buffer overflow in os::Linux::kernel_version + JDK-8330011: [s390x] update block-comments to make code consistent + JDK-8330094: RISC-V: Save and restore FRM in the call stub + JDK-8330156: RISC-V: Range check auipc + signed 12 imm instruction + JDK-8330242: RISC-V: Simplify and remove CORRECT_COMPILER_ATOMIC_SUPPORT in atomic_linux_riscv.hpp + JDK-8330275: Crash in XMark::follow_array + JDK-8330464: hserr generic events - add entry for the before_exit calls + JDK-8330523: Reduce runtime and improve efficiency of KeepAliveTest + JDK-8330524: Linux ppc64le compile warning with clang in os_linux_ppc.cpp + JDK-8330615: avoid signed integer overflows in zip_util.c readCen / hashN + JDK-8330815: Use pattern matching for instanceof in KeepAliveCache + JDK-8331031: unify os::dont_yield and os::naked_yield across Posix platforms + JDK-8331113: support configurable maven repo mirror + JDK-8331167: UBSan enabled build fails in adlc on macOS + JDK-8331298: avoid alignment checks in UBSAN enabled build + JDK-8331331: :tier1 target explanation in doc/ is incorrect + JDK-8331352: error: template-id not allowed for constructor/destructor in C++20 + JDK-8331466: Problemlist serviceability/dcmd/gc/ / on generic-all + JDK-8331639: [21u]: Bump GHA bootstrap JDK to 21.0.3 + JDK-8331942: On Linux aarch64, CDS archives should be using 64K alignment by default + JDK-8332253: Linux arm32 build fails after 8292591 + JDK-8334441: Mark tests in jdk_security_infra group as manual + JDK-8335960: [21u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 21.0.4 - Added patch: * reproducible-javadoc-timestamp.patch + set javadoc timestamps to the time from SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environmental variable if it is set- Require file for posttrans phase of the headless subpackage (bsc#1227298)- Update to upstream tag jdk-21.0.3+9 (April 2024 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8315708, CVE-2024-21012, bsc#1222987: Enhance HTTP/2 client usage + JDK-8318340: Improve RSA key implementations + JDK-8319851, CVE-2024-21011, bsc#1222979: Improve exception logging + JDK-8322122, CVE-2024-21068, bsc#1222983: Enhance generation of addresses * Other changes + JDK-6928542: Chinese characters in RTF are not decoded + JDK-8009550: PlatformPCSC should load versioned so + JDK-8077371: Binary files in JAXP test should be removed + JDK-8169475: fails by timeout + JDK-8209595: timed out + JDK-8210410: Refactor java.util.Currency:i18n shell tests to plain java tests + JDK-8261837: SIGSEGV in ciVirtualCallTypeData::translate_from + JDK-8263256: Test java/net/Inet6Address/serialize/ / fails due to dynamic reconfigurations of network interface during test + JDK-8264899: C1: -XX:AbortVMOnException does not work if all methods in the call stack are compiled with C1 and there are no exception handlers + JDK-8274122: java/io/File/createTempFile/ fails in Windows 11 + JDK-8295343: sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail on Linux RHEL 8.6 and newer + JDK-8296631: NSS tests failing on OL9 linux-aarch64 hosts + JDK-8301310: The SendRawSysexMessage test may cause a JVM crash + JDK-8304020: Speed up test/jdk/java/util/zip/ZipFile/ / and clarify its purpose + JDK-8304292: Memory leak related to ClassLoader::update_class_path_entry_list + JDK-8305962: update jcstress to 0.16 + JDK-8305971: NPE in JavacProcessingEnvironment for missing enum constructor body + JDK-8306922: IR verification fails because IR dump is chopped up + JDK-8307408: Some jdk/sun/tools/jhsdb tests don't pass test JVM args to the debuggee JVM + JDK-8309109: AArch64: [TESTBUG] compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli/ / fails on Neoverse N2 and V1 + JDK-8309203: C2: remove copy-by-value of GrowableArray for InterfaceSet + JDK-8309302: java/net/Socket/ fails with AssertionError on test temporal post condition + JDK-8309697: [TESTBUG] Remove "@requires vm.flagless" from jtreg vectorization tests + JDK-8310031: Parallel: Implement better work distribution for large object arrays in old gen + JDK-8310238: [test bug] javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/ / fails + JDK-8310308: IR Framework: check for type and size of vector nodes + JDK-8310629: java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/OCSP/ / fails with RuntimeException Server not ready + JDK-8310631: test/jdk/sun/nio/cs/ is spuriously passing + JDK-8310807: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ timed out + JDK-8310844: [AArch64] C1 compilation fails because monitor offset in OSR buffer is too large for immediate + JDK-8310919: runtime/ErrorHandling/ / times out due to core dumps taking a long time on OSX + JDK-8310923: Refactor Currency tests to use JUnit + JDK-8311081: fail on localized Windows platform + JDK-8311279: failed with different IGVN traces for the same seed + JDK-8311581: Remove obsolete code and comments in + JDK-8311588: C2: RepeatCompilation compiler directive does not choose stress seed randomly + JDK-8311663: Additional refactoring of Locale tests to JUnit + JDK-8311893: Interactive component with ARIA role 'tabpanel' does not have a programmatically associated name + JDK-8311986: Disable runtime/os/ for ShenandoahGC + JDK-8311992: Test java/lang/Thread/virtual/ /JfrEvents::testVirtualThreadPinned failed + JDK-8312136: Modify runtime/ErrorHandling/ to split dwarf and decoder testing + JDK-8312416: Tests in Locale should have more descriptive names + JDK-8312428: PKCS11 tests fail with NSS 3.91 + JDK-8312916: Remove remaining usages of -Xdebug from test/hotspot/jtreg + JDK-8313082: Enable CreateCoredumpOnCrash for testing in makefiles + JDK-8313229: should be modified to use TLS versions TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 + JDK-8313507: Remove pkcs11/Cipher/ from ProblemList + JDK-8313621: test/jdk/jdk/internal/math/FloatingDecimal/ /TestFloatingDecimal should use RandomFactory + JDK-8313638: Add test for dump of resolved references + JDK-8313670: Simplify shared lib name handling code in some tests + JDK-8313720: C2 SuperWord: wrong result with - XX:+UseVectorCmov -XX:+UseCMoveUnconditionally + JDK-8313816: Accessing jmethodID might lead to spurious crashes + JDK-8313854: Some tests in serviceability area fail on localized Windows platform + JDK-8314164: java/net/HttpURLConnection/ / fails intermittently in timeout + JDK-8314220: Configurable InlineCacheBuffer size + JDK-8314283: Support for NSS tests on aarch64 platforms + JDK-8314320: Mark runtime/CommandLine/ tests as flagless + JDK-8314333: Update com/sun/jdi/ to use ProcessTools.createTestJvm(..) + JDK-8314513: [IR Framework] Some internal IR Framework tests are failing after JDK-8310308 on PPC and Cascade Lake + JDK-8314578: Non-verifiable code is emitted when two guards declare pattern variables in colon-switch + JDK-8314610: hotspot can't compile with the latest of gtest because of + JDK-8314612: fails with - XX:MaxVectorSize=32 and -XX:+AlignVector + JDK-8314629: Generational ZGC: Clearing All SoftReferences log line lacks GCId + JDK-8314829: serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/ / ignores vm flags + JDK-8314830: runtime/ErrorHandling/ tests ignore external VM flags + JDK-8314831: NMT tests ignore vm flags + JDK-8314835: gtest wrappers should be marked as flagless + JDK-8314837: 5 compiled/codecache tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8314838: 3 compiler tests ignore vm flags + JDK-8314990: Generational ZGC: Strong OopStorage stats reported as weak roots + JDK-8315034: File.mkdirs() occasionally fails to create folders on Windows shared folder + JDK-8315042: NPE in PKCS7.parseOldSignedData + JDK-8315097: Rename createJavaProcessBuilder + JDK-8315241: (fs) Move toRealPath tests in java/nio/file/Path/ to separate JUnit 5 test + JDK-8315406: [REDO] serviceability/jdwp/ / ignores VM flags + JDK-8315594: Open source few headless Swing misc tests + JDK-8315600: Open source few more headless Swing misc tests + JDK-8315602: Open source swing security manager test + JDK-8315611: Open source swing text/html and tree test + JDK-8315680: java/lang/ref/ should run with -Xbatch + JDK-8315721: fails transiently on libgraal + JDK-8315726: Open source several AWT applet tests + JDK-8315731: Open source several Swing Text related tests + JDK-8315761: Open source few swing JList and JMenuBar tests + JDK-8315891: java/foreign/ failed with "error occurred while instantiating class TestLinker: null" + JDK-8315986: [macos14] javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/ / component must be showing on the screen to determine its location + JDK-8315988: Parallel: Make TestAggressiveHeap use createTestJvm + JDK-8316001: GC: Make TestArrayAllocatorMallocLimit use createTestJvm + JDK-8316028: Update FreeType to 2.13.2 + JDK-8316106: Open source few swing JInternalFrame and JMenuBar tests + JDK-8316132: CDSProtectionDomain::get_shared_protection_domain should check for exception + JDK-8316229: Enhance class initialization logging + JDK-8316309: AArch64: VMError::print_native_stack() crashes on Java native method frame + JDK-8316319: Generational ZGC: The SoftMaxHeapSize might be wrong when CDS decreases the MaxHeapSize + JDK-8316392: compiler/interpreter/ / failed with SIGBUS in PcDescContainer::find_pc_desc_internal + JDK-8316410: GC: Make TestCompressedClassFlags use createTestJvm + JDK-8316445: Mark com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/ / as vm.flagless + JDK-8316446: 4 sun/management/jdp tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8316447: 8 sun/management/jmxremote tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8316462: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ / ignores VM flags + JDK-8316464: 3 sun/tools tests ignore VM flags + JDK-8316562: serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/ / times out after JDK-8314829 + JDK-8316594: C2 SuperWord: wrong result with hand unrolled loops + JDK-8316661: CompilerThread leaks CodeBlob memory when dynamically stopping compiler thread in non-product + JDK-8316693: Simplify at-requires checkDockerSupport() + JDK-8316947: Write a test to check textArea triggers MouseEntered/MouseExited events properly + JDK-8316961: Fallback implementations for 64-bit Atomic::{add,xchg} on 32-bit platforms + JDK-8316973: GC: Make TestDisableDefaultGC use createTestJvm + JDK-8317042: G1: Make TestG1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis use createTestJvm + JDK-8317144: Exclude sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ / on Linux ppc64le + JDK-8317188: G1: Make TestG1ConcRefinementThreads use createTestJvm + JDK-8317218: G1: Make TestG1HeapRegionSize use createTestJvm + JDK-8317228: GC: Make TestXXXHeapSizeFlags use createTestJvm + JDK-8317300: javac erroneously allows "final" in front of a record pattern + JDK-8317307: test/jdk/com/sun/jndi/ldap/ / fails with ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information + JDK-8317316: G1: Make TestG1PercentageOptions use createTestJvm + JDK-8317317: G1: Make TestG1RemSetFlags use createTestJvm + JDK-8317343: GC: Make TestHeapFreeRatio use createTestJvm + JDK-8317347: Parallel: Make TestInitialTenuringThreshold use createTestJvm + JDK-8317358: G1: Make TestMaxNewSize use createTestJvm + JDK-8317522: Test logic for BODY_CF in is wrong + JDK-8317535: Shenandoah: Remove unused code + JDK-8317771: [macos14] Expand/collapse a JTree using keyboard freezes the application in macOS 14 Sonoma + JDK-8317804: com/sun/jdi/ fails on Alpine 3.17 / 3.18 + JDK-8318039: GHA: Bump macOS and Xcode versions + JDK-8318082: ConcurrentModificationException from IndexWriter + JDK-8318154: Improve stability of test + JDK-8318157: RISC-V: implement ensureMaterializedForStackWalk intrinsic + JDK-8318158: RISC-V: implement roundD/roundF intrinsics + JDK-8318410: jdk/java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/ / fails on Japanese Windows + JDK-8318468: compiler/tiered/ fails with -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 + JDK-8318490: Increase timeout for JDK tests that are close to the limit when run with libgraal + JDK-8318590: JButton ignores margin when painting HTML text + JDK-8318603: Parallelize sun/java2d/marlin/ + JDK-8318607: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/jni tests + JDK-8318608: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/threads tests + JDK-8318613: ChoiceFormat patterns are not well tested + JDK-8318689: jtreg is confused when folder name is the same as the test name + JDK-8318696: Do not use LFS64 symbols on Linux + JDK-8318737: Fallback linker passes bad JNI handle + JDK-8318809: java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue/ / shows intermittent failures on linux ppc64le and aarch64 + JDK-8318964: Fix build failures caused by 8315097 + JDK-8318971: Better Error Handling for Jar Tool When Processing Non-existent Files + JDK-8318983: Fix comment typo in + JDK-8319103: Popups that request focus are not shown on Linux with Wayland + JDK-8319124: Update XML Security for Java to 3.0.3 + JDK-8319128: sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail on OL 7.9 aarch64 + JDK-8319136: Skip pkcs11 tests on linux-aarch64 + JDK-8319137: release _object in ObjectMonitor dtor to avoid races + JDK-8319213: reads both stdout and stderr of JdkUtils + JDK-8319314: NMT detail report slow or hangs for large number of mappings + JDK-8319372: C2 compilation fails with "Bad immediate dominator info" + JDK-8319382: com/sun/jdi/ shows failures on AIX if prefixLen of mask is larger than 32 in IPv6 case + JDK-8319456: jdk/jfr/event/gc/collection/ /TestGCCauseWith[Serial|Parallel].java : GC cause 'GCLocker Initiated GC' not in the valid causes + JDK-8319548: Unexpected internal name for Filler array klass causes error in VisualVM + JDK-8319569: Several java/util tests should be updated to accept VM flags + JDK-8319633: runtime/posixSig/ intermittent timeouts on UNIX + JDK-8319668: Fixup of jar filename typo in + JDK-8319777: Zero: Support 8-byte cmpxchg + JDK-8319879: Stress mode to randomize incremental inlining decision + JDK-8319883: Zero: Use atomic built-ins for 64-bit accesses + JDK-8319897: Move StackWatermark handling out of LockStack::contains + JDK-8319938: fails with "getSelectedFiles returned empty array" + JDK-8320052: Zero: Use __atomic built-ins for atomic RMW operations + JDK-8320145: Compiler should accept final variable in Record Pattern + JDK-8320168: handle setsocktopt return values + JDK-8320206: Some intrinsics/stubs missing vzeroupper on x86_64 + JDK-8320208: Update Public Suffix List to b5bf572 + JDK-8320300: Adjust hs_err output in malloc/mmap error cases + JDK-8320303: Allow PassFailJFrame to accept single window creator + JDK-8320309: AIX: pthreads created by foreign test library don't work as expected + JDK-8320383: refresh libraries cache on AIX in VMError::report + JDK-8320582: Zero: Misplaced CX8 enablement flag + JDK-8320798: Console read line with zero out should zero out underlying buffer + JDK-8320807: [PPC64][ZGC] C1 generates wrong code for atomics + JDK-8320830: [AIX] Dont mix os::dll_load() with direct dlclose() calls + JDK-8320877: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency support + JDK-8320888: Shenandoah: Enable ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers in debug builds + JDK-8320890: [AIX] Find a better way to mimic dl handle equality + JDK-8320898: exclude compiler/vectorapi/reshape/ / on ppc64(le) platforms + JDK-8320907: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahSelfFixing flag + JDK-8320921: GHA: Parallelize hotspot_compiler test jobs + JDK-8320937: support latest VS2022 MSC_VER in abstract_vm_version.cpp + JDK-8320943: Files/probeContentType/ fails on latest Windows 11 - content type mismatch + JDK-8321120: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahElasticTLAB flag + JDK-8321122: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahLoopOptsAfterExpansion flag + JDK-8321131: Console read line with zero out should zero out underlying buffer in JLine + JDK-8321151: JDK-8294427 breaks Windows L&F on all older Windows versions + JDK-8321164: javac with annotation processor throws AssertionError: Filling jrt:/... during JarFileObject[/...] + JDK-8321215: Incorrect x86 instruction encoding for VSIB addressing mode + JDK-8321269: Require platforms to define DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE + JDK-8321374: Add a configure option to explicitly set CompanyName property in VersionInfo resource for Windows exe/dll + JDK-8321408: Add Certainly roots R1 and E1 + JDK-8321409: Console read line with zero out should zero out underlying buffer in JLine (redux) + JDK-8321410: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers flag + JDK-8321480: ISO 4217 Amendment 176 Update + JDK-8321542: C2: Missing ChaCha20 stub for x86_32 leads to crashes + JDK-8321582: yield .class not parsed correctly. + JDK-8321599: Data loss in AVX3 Base64 decoding + JDK-8321619: Generational ZGC: ZColorStoreGoodOopClosure is only valid for young objects + JDK-8321894: Bump update version for OpenJDK: 21.0.3 + JDK-8321972: test runtime/Unsafe/ timeout on linux-riscv64 platform + JDK-8321974: Crash in ciKlass::is_subtype_of because TypeAryPtr::_klass is not initialized + JDK-8322040: Missing array bounds check in ClassReader.parameter + JDK-8322098: os::Linux::print_system_memory_info enhance the THP output with /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/hpage_pmd_size + JDK-8322142: JFR: Periodic tasks aren't orphaned between recordings + JDK-8322159: ThisEscapeAnalyzer crashes for erroneous code + JDK-8322255: Generational ZGC: ZPageSizeMedium should be set before MaxTenuringThreshold + JDK-8322279: Generational ZGC: Use ZFragmentationLimit and ZYoungCompactionLimit as percentage instead of multiples + JDK-8322282: Incorrect LoaderConstraintTable::add_entry after JDK-8298468 + JDK-8322321: Add man page doc for -XX:+VerifySharedSpaces + JDK-8322417: Console read line with zero out should zero out when throwing exception + JDK-8322418: Problem list gc/ subtests for 8298781 + JDK-8322512: StringBuffer.repeat does not work correctly after toString() was called + JDK-8322583: RISC-V: Enable fast class initialization checks + JDK-8322725: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023d + JDK-8322750: Test "api/java_awt/interactive/ /SystemTrayTests.html" failed because A blue ball icon is added outside of the system tray + JDK-8322772: Clean up code after JDK-8322417 + JDK-8322783: prioritize /etc/os-release over /etc/SuSE-release in hs_err/info output + JDK-8322790: RISC-V: Tune costs for shuffles with no conversion + JDK-8322957: Generational ZGC: Relocation selection must join the STS + JDK-8323008: filter out harmful -std* flags added by autoconf from CXX + JDK-8323021: Shenandoah: Encountered reference count always attributed to first worker thread + JDK-8323065: Unneccesary CodeBlob lookup in CompiledIC::internal_set_ic_destination + JDK-8323086: Shenandoah: Heap could be corrupted by oom during evacuation + JDK-8323101: C2: assert(n->in(0) == nullptr) failed: divisions with zero check should already have bailed out earlier in split-if + JDK-8323154: C2: assert(cmp != nullptr && cmp->Opcode() == Op_Cmp(bt)) failed: no exit test + JDK-8323243: JNI invocation of an abstract instance method corrupts the stack + JDK-8323331: fix typo hpage_pdm_size + JDK-8323428: Shenandoah: Unused memory in regions compacted during a full GC should be mangled + JDK-8323515: Create test alias "all" for all test roots + JDK-8323637: Capture hotspot replay files in GHA + JDK-8323640: [TESTBUG]testMemoryFailCount in jdk/internal/platform/docker/ always fail because OOM killed + JDK-8323659: LinkedTransferQueue add and put methods call overridable offer + JDK-8323664: java/awt/font/JNICheck/ still fails with JNI warning on some Windows configurations + JDK-8323667: Library debug files contain non-reproducible full gcc include paths + JDK-8323671: DevKit build gcc libraries contain full paths to source location + JDK-8323717: Introduce test keyword for tests that need external dependencies + JDK-8323964: runtime/Thread/ fails intermittently on AIX + JDK-8324050: Issue store-store barrier after re-materializing objects during deoptimization + JDK-8324280: RISC-V: Incorrect implementation in VM_Version::parse_satp_mode + JDK-8324347: Enable "maybe-uninitialized" warning for FreeType 2.13.1 + JDK-8324514: ClassLoaderData::print_on should print address of class loader + JDK-8324598: use mem_unit when working with sysinfo memory and swap related information + JDK-8324637: [aix] Implement support for reporting swap space in + JDK-8324647: Invalid test group of lib-test after JDK-8323515 + JDK-8324659: GHA: Generic jtreg errors are not reported + JDK-8324753: [AIX] adjust os_posix after JDK-8318696 + JDK-8324858: [vectorapi] Bounds checking issues when accessing memory segments + JDK-8324874: AArch64: crypto pmull based CRC32/CRC32C intrinsics clobber V8-V15 registers + JDK-8324937: GHA: Avoid multiple test suites per job + JDK-8325074: ZGC fails assert(index == 0 || is_power_of_2(index)) failed: Incorrect load shift: 11 + JDK-8325096: Test java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder/akiExt/ / is failing + JDK-8325150: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2024a + JDK-8325194: GHA: Add macOS M1 testing + JDK-8325254: CKA_TOKEN private and secret keys are not necessarily sensitive + JDK-8325444: GHA: JDK-8325194 causes a regression + JDK-8325470: [AIX] use fclose after fopen in read_psinfo + JDK-8325496: Make TrimNativeHeapInterval a product switch + JDK-8325672: C2: allocate PhaseIdealLoop::_loop_or_ctrl from C->comp_arena() + JDK-8325876: crashes in docker container tests on Linuxppc64le Power8 machines + JDK-8326000: Remove obsolete comments for class + JDK-8327391: Add SipHash attribution file + JDK-8329838: [21u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 21.0.3 - Modified patches: * disable-doclint-by-default.patch * fips.patch * java-21-openjdk.spec * java-atk-wrapper-security.patch * loadAssistiveTechnologies.patch * memory-limits.patch * multiple-pkcs11-library-init.patch * system-pcsclite.patch * zero-ranges.patch + rediff to apply without fuzz- Added patch: * reproducible-jlink.patch + make the timestamp in jmods reproducible- Removed patch: * alternative-tzdb_dat.patch + Remove the possibility to use the system timezone-java. It creates more problems then it solves (bsc#1213470)- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.- Recommend mozilla-nss-sysinit in order to have available the /etc/pki/nssdb directory and its content, required in fips mode (bsc#1219662) - Do not install our crafted nss.fips.cfg file, but use the one that the build produces with our fips.patch applied - Removed patch: * nss-security-provider.patch + this DISABLED nss security provider was not used for years and is largely rendered obsolete by the NSS-FIPS provider - Modified patch: * fips.patch + adapt to the removal of the nss security provider- Add JPackage base provides for SLE15 too (bsc#1219115)- Update to upstream tag jdk-21.0.2+13 (January 2024 CPU) * CVEs + CVE-2024-20918, bsc#1218907 + CVE-2024-20919, bsc#1218903 + CVE-2024-20921, bsc#1218905 + CVE-2024-20945, bsc#1218909 + CVE-2024-20952, bsc#1218911 * Security fixes + JDK-8308204: Enhanced certificate processing + JDK-8314295: Enhance verification of verifier + JDK-8314307: Improve loop handling + JDK-8314468: Improve Compiler loops + JDK-8316976: Improve signature handling + JDK-8317547: Enhance TLS connection support * Other changes + JDK-8038244: (fs) Check return value of malloc in Java_sun_nio_fs_AixNativeDispatcher_getmntctl() + JDK-8161536: sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ / fails with ProviderException + JDK-8219652: [aix] Tests failing with JNI attach problems. + JDK-8225377: type annotations are not visible to javac plugins across compilation boundaries + JDK-8232839: JDI failed due to "FAILED: Did not get expected IllegalThreadStateException on a StepRequest.enable()" + JDK-8267502: JDK-8246677 caused 16x performance regression in SynchronousQueue + JDK-8267509: Improve IllegalAccessException message to include the cause of the exception + JDK-8268916: Tests for AffirmTrust roots + JDK-8286757: adlc tries to build with /pathmap but without /experimental:deterministic + JDK-8294156: Allow PassFailJFrame.Builder to create test UI + JDK-8294158: HTML formatting for PassFailJFrame instructions + JDK-8294427: Check boxes and radio buttons have rendering issues on Windows in High DPI env + JDK-8294535: Add screen capture functionality to PassFailJFrame + JDK-8295068: SSLEngine throws NPE parsing CertificateRequests + JDK-8295555: Primitive wrapper caches could be `@Stable` + JDK-8299614: Shenandoah: STW mark should keep nmethod/oops referenced from stack chunk alive + JDK-8300663: java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue/ / failed with "Error: fair=true i=0 j=1" + JDK-8301247: JPackage app-image exe launches multiple exe's in JDK 17+ + JDK-8301341: LinkedTransferQueue does not respect timeout for poll() + JDK-8301457: Code in is uncommented even after JDK-8236852 was fixed + JDK-8301489: C1: ShortLoopOptimizer might lift instructions before their inputs + JDK-8301846: Invalid TargetDataLine after screen lock when using JFileChooser or COM library + JDK-8303737: C2: Load can bypass subtype check that enforces it's from the right object type + JDK-8306561: Possible out of bounds access in print_pointer_information + JDK-8308103: Massive (up to ~30x) increase in C2 compilation time since JDK 17 + JDK-8308452: Extend internal Architecture enum with byte order and address size + JDK-8308479: [s390x] Implement alternative fast-locking scheme + JDK-8308592: Framework for CA interoperability testing + JDK-8308593: Add KEEPALIVE Extended Socket Options Support for Windows + JDK-8309209: C2 failed "assert(_stack_guard_state == stack_guard_reserved_disabled) failed: inconsistent state" + JDK-8309305: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ / fails with jtreg test timeout + JDK-8309545: Thread.interrupted from virtual thread needlessly resets interrupt status + JDK-8309663: test fails "assert(check_alignment(result)) failed: address not aligned: 0x00000008baadbabe" + JDK-8309778: java/nio/file/Files/ fails when using second test directory + JDK-8309974: some JVMCI tests fail when VM options include - XX:+EnableJVMCI + JDK-8310239: Add missing cross modifying fence in nmethod entry barriers + JDK-8310512: Cleanup indentation in jfc files + JDK-8310596: Utilize existing method frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size_in_bytes() + JDK-8310982: jdk/internal/util/ fails after JDK-8308452 failed with Method isARM() + JDK-8311261: [AIX] fails due to java.lang.RuntimeException: Did not find expected NMT output + JDK-8311514: Incorrect regex in + JDK-8311585: Add JRadioButtonMenuItem to + JDK-8311591: Add SystemModulesPlugin test case that splits module descriptors with new local variables defined by DedupSetBuilder + JDK-8311630: [s390] Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview) + JDK-8311631: When multiple users run tools/jpackage/share/ /, Permission denied for writing /var/tmp/*.files + JDK-8311680: Update the release version after forking Oct CPU23_10 + JDK-8311681: Update the Jan CPU24_01 release date in master branch after forking Oct CPU23_10 + JDK-8311813: C1: Uninitialized PhiResolver::_loop field + JDK-8311938: Add default cups include location for configure on AIX + JDK-8312078: [PPC] Failing on AIX + JDK-8312126: NullPointerException in CertStore.getCRLs after 8297955 + JDK-8312166: (dc) DatagramChannel's socket adaptor does not release carrier thread when blocking in receive + JDK-8312174: missing JVMTI events from vthreads parked during JVMTI attach + JDK-8312191: ColorConvertOp.filter for the default destination is too slow + JDK-8312433: HttpClient request fails due to connection being considered idle and closed + JDK-8312434: SPECjvm2008/xml.transform with CDS fails with "can't seal package nu.xom" + JDK-8312440: assert(cast != nullptr) failed: must have added a cast to pin the node + JDK-8312466: /bin/nm usage in AIX makes needs -X64 flag + JDK-8312467: relax the builddir check in make/autoconf/basic.m4 + JDK-8312592: New parentheses warnings after HarfBuzz 7.2.0 update + JDK-8312612: handle WideCharToMultiByte return values + JDK-8313164: src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/ /awt_Robot.cpp GetRGBPixels adjust releasing of resources + JDK-8313167: Update to use jtreg 7.3 + JDK-8313206: PKCS11 tests silently skip execution + JDK-8313244: NM flags handling in configure process + JDK-8313252: Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_paintBackground release resources in early returns + JDK-8313322: RISC-V: implement MD5 intrinsic + JDK-8313368: (fc) FileChannel.size returns 0 on block special files + JDK-8313575: Refactor PKCS11Test tests + JDK-8313616: support loading library members on AIX in os::dll_load + JDK-8313643: Update HarfBuzz to 8.2.2 + JDK-8313656: assert(!JvmtiExport::can_support_virtual_threads()) with -XX:-DoJVMTIVirtualThreadTransitions + JDK-8313756: [BACKOUT] 8308682: Enhance AES performance + JDK-8313760: [REDO] Enhance AES performance + JDK-8313779: RISC-V: use andn / orn in the MD5 instrinsic + JDK-8313781: Add regression tests for large page logging and user-facing error messages + JDK-8313782: Add user-facing warning if THPs are enabled but cannot be used + JDK-8313792: Verify 4th party information in src/jdk.internal.le/share/legal/ + JDK-8313873: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ / fails on AIX due to small default RCVBUF size and different IPv6 Header interpretation + JDK-8314045: ArithmeticException in GaloisCounterMode + JDK-8314094: java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails on Windows when run as user with Administrator privileges + JDK-8314120: Add tests for FileDescriptor.sync + JDK-8314121: test tools/jpackage/share/ / fails on RHEL8 + JDK-8314191: C2 compilation fails with "bad AD file" + JDK-8314226: Series of colon-style fallthrough switch cases with guards compiled incorrectly + JDK-8314242: Update applications/scimark/ to accept VM flags + JDK-8314246: javax/swing/JToolBar/4529206/ fails intermittently on Linux + JDK-8314263: Signed jars triggering Logger finder recursion and StackOverflowError + JDK-8314330: java/foreign tests should respect vm flags when start new processes + JDK-8314476: failed with "java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table" + JDK-8314495: Update to use jtreg 7.3.1 + JDK-8314551: More generic way to handshake GC threads with monitor deflation + JDK-8314580: PhaseIdealLoop::transform_long_range_checks fails with assert "was tested before" + JDK-8314632: Intra-case dominance check fails in the presence of a guard + JDK-8314759: VirtualThread.parkNanos timeout adjustment when pinned should be replaced + JDK-8314883: Java_java_util_prefs_FileSystemPreferences_lockFile0 write result errno in missing case + JDK-8314935: Shenandoah: Unable to throw OOME on back-to-back Full GCs + JDK-8315026: ProcessHandle implementation listing processes on AIX should use getprocs64 + JDK-8315062: [GHA] get-bootjdk action should return the abolute path + JDK-8315082: [REDO] Generational ZGC: Tests crash with assert(index == 0 || is_power_of_2(index)) + JDK-8315088: C2: assert(wq.size() - before == EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE) failed: expect the EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE nodes of this body if empty + JDK-8315195: RISC-V: Update hwprobe query for new extensions + JDK-8315206: RISC-V: hwprobe query is_set return wrong value + JDK-8315213: java/lang/ProcessHandle/ test enhance output of children + JDK-8315214: Do not run sun/tools/jhsdb tests concurrently + JDK-8315362: NMT: summary diff reports threads count incorrectly + JDK-8315377: C2: assert(u->find_out_with(Op_AddP) == nullptr) failed: more than 2 chained AddP nodes? + JDK-8315383: jlink SystemModulesPlugin incorrectly parses the options + JDK-8315415: OutputAnalyzer.shouldMatchByLine() fails in some cases + JDK-8315437: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/classload tests + JDK-8315442: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/thread tests + JDK-8315452: Erroneous AST missing modifiers for partial input + JDK-8315499: build using devkit on Linux ppc64le RHEL puts path to devkit into libsplashscreen + JDK-8315545: C1: x86 cmove can use short branches + JDK-8315549: CITime misreports code/total nmethod sizes + JDK-8315554: C1: Replace "cmp reg, 0" with "test reg, reg" on x86 + JDK-8315578: PPC builds are broken after JDK-8304913 + JDK-8315579: SPARC64 builds are broken after JDK-8304913 + JDK-8315606: Open source few swing text/html tests + JDK-8315612: RISC-V: intrinsic for unsignedMultiplyHigh + JDK-8315644: increase timeout of sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ + JDK-8315651: Stop hiding AIX specific multicast socket errors via NetworkConfiguration (aix) + JDK-8315683: Parallelize java/util/concurrent/tck/ + JDK-8315684: Parallelize sun/security/util/math/ + JDK-8315688: Update jdk21u fix version to 21.0.2 + JDK-8315692: Parallelize gc/stress/ test + JDK-8315696: test failed + JDK-8315702: jcmd Thread.dump_to_file slow with millions of virtual threads + JDK-8315706: com/sun/tools/attach/warnings/ / real fix for failure on AIX + JDK-8315735: VerifyError when switch statement used with synchronized block + JDK-8315751: RandomTestBsi1999 fails often with timeouts on Linux ppc64le + JDK-8315766: Parallelize gc/stress/ test + JDK-8315770: serviceability/sa/ should run with -XX:-VerifyDependencies + JDK-8315774: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/g1/unloading tests + JDK-8315863: [GHA] Update checkout action to use v4 + JDK-8315869: UseHeavyMonitors not used + JDK-8315920: C2: "control input must dominate current control" assert failure + JDK-8315931: RISC-V: xxxMaxVectorTestsSmokeTest fails when using RVV + JDK-8315936: Parallelize gc/stress/ test + JDK-8315937: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/numeric tests + JDK-8315942: Sort platform enums and definitions after JDK-8304913 follow-ups + JDK-8315960: test/jdk/java/io/File/ leaves test files behind + JDK-8315971: ProblemList containers/docker/ / on linux-all + JDK-8316003: Update to HTML instructions + JDK-8316017: Refactor timeout handler in PassFailJFrame + JDK-8316025: Use testUI() method of PassFailJFrame.Builder in + JDK-8316030: Update Libpng to 1.6.40 + JDK-8316031: SSLFlowDelegate should not log from synchronized block + JDK-8316060: test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/reflect/ / may fail if heap is huge + JDK-8316087: Test is still failing + JDK-8316113: Infinite permission checking loop in java/net/spi/ /InetAddressResolverProvider/RuntimePermissionTest + JDK-8316123: ProblemList serviceability/dcmd/gc/ on AIX + JDK-8316130: Incorrect control in LibraryCallKit::inline_native_notify_jvmti_funcs + JDK-8316142: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/lowmem tests + JDK-8316156: ByteArrayInputStream.transferTo causes MaxDirectMemorySize overflow + JDK-8316178: Better diagnostic header for CodeBlobs + JDK-8316179: Use consistent naming for lightweight locking in MacroAssembler + JDK-8316181: Move the fast locking implementation out of the .ad files + JDK-8316199: Remove sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatd* tests from problemlist for Windows. + JDK-8316206: Test fails for Baekmuk font + JDK-8316304: (fs) Add support for BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() for Linux + JDK-8316337: (bf) Concurrency issue in DirectByteBuffer.Deallocator + JDK-8316341: sun/security/pkcs11/ needs adjustment on Linux ppc64le Ubuntu 22 + JDK-8316387: Exclude more failing multicast tests on AIX after JDK-8315651 + JDK-8316396: Endless loop in C2 compilation triggered by AddNode::IdealIL + JDK-8316399: Exclude java/net/MulticastSocket/ on AIX + JDK-8316400: Exclude jdk/jfr/event/runtime/ / on AIX + JDK-8316401: sun/tools/jhsdb/ failed with "InternalError: We should have found a thread that owns the anonymous lock" + JDK-8316411: compiler/compilercontrol/ / fails intermittent with force inline by CompileCommand missing + JDK-8316414: C2: large byte array clone triggers "failed: malformed control flow" assertion failure on linux-x86 + JDK-8316415: Parallelize sun/security/rsa/ subtests + JDK-8316418: containers/docker/ get OOM killed with Parallel GC + JDK-8316436: ContinuationWrapper uses unhandled nullptr oop + JDK-8316461: Fix: make test outputs TEST SUCCESS after unsuccessful exit + JDK-8316468: os::write incorrectly handles partial write + JDK-8316514: Better diagnostic header for VtableStub + JDK-8316540: StoreReproducibilityTest fails on some locales + JDK-8316566: RISC-V: Zero extended narrow oop passed to Atomic::cmpxchg + JDK-8316581: Improve performance of Symbol::print_value_on() + JDK-8316585: [REDO] runtime/InvocationTests spend a lot of time on dependency verification + JDK-8316645: RISC-V: Remove dependency on libatomic by adding cmpxchg 1b + JDK-8316648: jrt-fs.jar classes not reproducible between standard and bootcycle builds + JDK-8316659: assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT || flag == CCR0) failed: bad condition register + JDK-8316671: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ / test fails intermittent with Read timed out + JDK-8316679: C2 SuperWord: wrong result, load should not be moved before store if not comparable + JDK-8316710: Exclude java/awt/font/Rotate/ + JDK-8316719: C2 compilation still fails with "bad AD file" + JDK-8316735: Print LockStack in hs_err files + JDK-8316741: BasicStroke.createStrokedShape miter-limits failing on small shapes + JDK-8316743: RISC-V: Change UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic option result to warning + JDK-8316746: Top of lock-stack does not match the unlocked object + JDK-8316778: test hprof lib: invalid array element type from JavaValueArray.elementSize + JDK-8316859: RISC-V: Disable detection of V through HWCAP + JDK-8316879: RegionMatches1Tests fails if CompactStrings are disabled after JDK-8302163 + JDK-8316880: AArch64: "stop: Header is not fast-locked" with - XX:-UseLSE since JDK-8315880 + JDK-8316894: make test TEST="jtreg:test/jdk/..." fails on AIX + JDK-8316906: Clarify TLABWasteTargetPercent flag + JDK-8316929: Shenandoah: Shenandoah degenerated GC and full GC need to cleanup old OopMapCache entries + JDK-8316933: RISC-V: compiler/vectorapi/ / fails when using RVV + JDK-8316935: [s390x] Use consistent naming for lightweight locking in MacroAssembler + JDK-8316958: Add test for unstructured locking + JDK-8316967: Correct the scope of vmtimer in UnregisteredClasses::load_class + JDK-8317039: Enable specifying the JDK used to run jtreg + JDK-8317136: [AIX] Problem List runtime/jni/terminatedThread/ + JDK-8317257: RISC-V: llvm build broken + JDK-8317262: LockStack::contains(oop) fails "assert(t->is_Java_thread()) failed: incorrect cast to JavaThread" + JDK-8317294: Classloading throws exceptions over already pending exceptions + JDK-8317327: Remove JT_JAVA dead code in jib-profiles.js + JDK-8317331: Solaris build failed with "declaration can not follow a statement (E_DECLARATION_IN_CODE)" + JDK-8317335: Build on windows fails after 8316645 + JDK-8317336: Assertion error thrown during 'this' escape analysis + JDK-8317340: Windows builds are not reproducible if MS VS compiler install path differs + JDK-8317373: Add Telia Root CA v2 + JDK-8317374: Add Let's Encrypt ISRG Root X2 + JDK-8317439: Updating RE Configs for BUILD REQUEST 21.0.2+1 + JDK-8317507: C2 compilation fails with "Exceeded _node_regs array" + JDK-8317510: Change Windows debug symbol files naming to avoid losing info when an executable and a library share the same name + JDK-8317581: [s390x] Multiple test failure with LockingMode=2 + JDK-8317601: Windows build on WSL broken after JDK-8317340 + JDK-8317603: Improve exception messages thrown by native methods (win) + JDK-8317692: jcmd GC.heap_dump performance regression after JDK-8292818 + JDK-8317705: ProblemList sun/tools/jstat/ on linux-ppc64le and aix due to JDK-8248691 + JDK-8317706: Exclude java/awt/Graphics2D/DrawString/ / on linux + JDK-8317711: Exclude gtest/ on AIX + JDK-8317736: Stream::handleReset locks twice + JDK-8317751: ProblemList, & for windows + JDK-8317772: NMT: Make peak values available in release builds + JDK-8317790: Fix Bug entry for exclusion of runtime/jni/terminatedThread/ on AIX + JDK-8317803: Exclude java/net/Socket/asyncClose/ on AIX + JDK-8317807: JAVA_FLAGS removed from jtreg running in JDK-8317039 + JDK-8317818: Combinatorial explosion during 'this' escape analysis + JDK-8317834: java/lang/Thread/ timed out + JDK-8317839: Exclude java/nio/channels/Channels/ / on AIX + JDK-8317920: JDWP-agent sends broken exception event with onthrow option + JDK-8317959: Check return values of malloc in native java.base coding + JDK-8317964: java/awt/Mouse/MouseModifiersUnitTest/ / fails on macosx-all after JDK-8317751 + JDK-8317967: Enhance test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ / to handle default cases + JDK-8317987: C2 recompilations cause high memory footprint + JDK-8318078: ADLC: pass ASSERT and PRODUCT flags + JDK-8318089: Class space not marked as such with NMT when CDS is off + JDK-8318137: Change milestone to fcs for all releases + JDK-8318144: Match on enum constants with body compiles but fails with MatchException + JDK-8318183: C2: VM may crash after hitting node limit + JDK-8318240: [AIX] test failure + JDK-8318415: Adjust describing comment of os_getChildren after 8315026 + JDK-8318474: Fix memory reporter for thread_count + JDK-8318525: Atomic gtest should run as TEST_VM to access VM capabilities + JDK-8318528: Rename TestUnstructuredLocking test + JDK-8318540: make test cannot run .jasm tests directly + JDK-8318562: Computational test more than 2x slower when AVX instructions are used + JDK-8318587: refresh libraries cache on AIX in print_vm_info + JDK-8318591: avoid leaks in loadlib_aix.cpp reload_table() + JDK-8318669: Target OS detection in 'test-prebuilt' makefile target is incorrect when running on MSYS2 + JDK-8318705: [macos] ProblemList java/rmi/registry/multipleRegistries/ + JDK-8318736: com/sun/jdi/ failed with "transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use" + JDK-8318759: Add four DigiCert root certificates + JDK-8318889: C2: add bailout after assert Bad graph detected in build_loop_late + JDK-8318895: Deoptimization results in incorrect lightweight locking stack + JDK-8318951: Additional negative value check in JPEG decoding + JDK-8318953: RISC-V: Small refactoring for MacroAssembler::test_bit + JDK-8318955: Add ReleaseIntArrayElements in Java_sun_awt_X11_XlibWrapper_SetBitmapShape XlbWrapper.c to early return + JDK-8318957: enhance agentlib:jdwp help output by info about allow option + JDK-8318961: increase javacserver connection timeout values and max retry attempts + JDK-8318981: compiler/compilercontrol/ / fails intermittent with 'disallowed by CompileCommand' missing from stdout/stderr + JDK-8319104: GtestWrapper crashes with SIGILL in AsyncLogTest::test_asynclog_raw on AIX opt + JDK-8319120: Unbound ScopedValue.get() throws the wrong exception + JDK-8319184: RISC-V: improve MD5 intrinsic + JDK-8319187: Add three eMudhra emSign roots + JDK-8319195: Move most tier 1 vector API regression tests to tier 3 + JDK-8319268: Build failure with GCC8.3.1 after 8313643 + JDK-8319339: Internal error on spurious markup in a hybrid snippet + JDK-8319436: Proxy.newProxyInstance throws NPE if loader is null and interface not visible from class loader + JDK-8319525: RISC-V: Rename * files to * under riscv/gc + JDK-8319532: jshell - Non-sealed declarations sometimes break a snippet evaluation + JDK-8319542: Fix boundaries of region to be tested with os::is_readable_range + JDK-8319700: [AArch64] C2 compilation fails with "Field too big for insn" + JDK-8319828: runtime/NMT/ may fail if mixing interpreted and compiled native invocations + JDK-8319922: fails to link in JDK 21 + JDK-8319958: test/jdk/java/io/File/libGetXSpace.c does not compile on Windows 32-bit + JDK-8319961: JvmtiEnvBase doesn't zero _ext_event_callbacks + JDK-8320001: javac crashes while adding type annotations to the return type of a constructor + JDK-8320053: GHA: Cross-compile gtest code + JDK-8320209: VectorMaskGen clobbers rflags on x86_64 + JDK-8320280: RISC-V: Avoid passing t0 as temp register to MacroAssembler::lightweight_lock/unlock + JDK-8320363: ppc64 TypeEntries::type_unknown logic looks wrong, missed optimization opportunity + JDK-8320597: RSA signature verification fails on signed data that does not encode params correctly + JDK-8320601: ProblemList java/lang/invoke/lambda/ / on linux-all + JDK-8321067: Unlock experimental options in + JDK-8322883: [BACKOUT] 8225377: type annotations are not visible to javac plugins across compilation boundaries + JDK-8322985: [BACKOUT] 8318562: Computational test more than 2x slower when AVX instructions are used- Modified patch: * fips.patch + use the system crypto-policies provided configuration file by default (bsc#1218061)- Set priority and make it the preferred JDK- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk-21.0.1+12 (October 2023 CPU) * Security fixes: + JDK-8286503: Enhance security classes + JDK-8308204: Enhanced certificate processing + JDK-8309966, CVE-2023-22081, bsc#1216374: Enhanced TLS connections + JDK-8312248: Enhanced archival support redux + JDK-8314649: Enhanced archival support redux + JDK-8317121, CVE-2023-22025, bsc#1216339: vector_masked_load instruction is moved too early after JDK-8286941 * Other changes: + JDK-8240567: MethodTooLargeException thrown while creating a jlink image + JDK-8284772: GHA: Use GCC Major Version Dependencies Only + JDK-8293114: JVM should trim the native heap + JDK-8296581: Better system proxy support + JDK-8297856: Improve handling of Bidi characters + JDK-8299658: C1 compilation crashes in LinearScan::resolve_exception_edge + JDK-8302017: Allocate BadPaddingException only if it will be thrown + JDK-8303815: Improve Metaspace test speed + JDK-8304954: SegmentedCodeCache fails when using large pages + JDK-8307766: Linux: Provide the option to override the timer slack + JDK-8308042: [macos] Developer ID Application Certificate not picked up by jpackage if it contains UNICODE characters + JDK-8308047: java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor/ / timed out and also had jcmd pipe errors + JDK-8308184: Launching java with large number of jars in classpath with java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property set can lead to StackOverflowError + JDK-8308474: DSA does not reset SecureRandom when initSign is called again + JDK-8308609: java/lang/ScopedValue/ fails with "-XX:-VMContinuations" + JDK-8309032: jpackage does not work for module projects unless --module-path is specified + JDK-8309088: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails + JDK-8309214: sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ / fails after 8301154 + JDK-8309475: Test java/foreign/ fails: a problem with msync (aix) + JDK-8309502: RISC-V: String.indexOf intrinsic may produce misaligned memory loads + JDK-8309591: Socket.setOption(TCP_QUICKACK) uses wrong level + JDK-8309746: Reconfigure check should include make/conf/version-numbers.conf + JDK-8309889: [s390] Missing return statement after calling jump_to_native_invoker method in generate_method_handle_dispatch. + JDK-8310106: .getHandshakeProducer() incorrectly checks handshakeConsumers + JDK-8310171: Bump version numbers for 21.0.1 + JDK-8310211: serviceability/jvmti/thread/GetStackTrace/ /getstacktr03/ failing + JDK-8310233: Fix THP detection on Linux + JDK-8310268: RISC-V: misaligned memory access in String.Compare intrinsic + JDK-8310321: make JDKOPT_CHECK_CODESIGN_PARAMS more verbose + JDK-8310586: ProblemList java/lang/ScopedValue/ / with virtual threads on linux-all + JDK-8310687: JDK-8303215 is incomplete + JDK-8310873: Re-enable locked_create_entry symbol check in runtime/NMT/ for RISC-V + JDK-8311026: Some G1 specific tests do not set -XX:+UseG1GC + JDK-8311033: [macos] PrinterJob does not take into account Sides attribute + JDK-8311160: [macOS, Accessibility] VoiceOver: No announcements on JRadioButtonMenuItem and JCheckBoxMenuItem + JDK-8311249: Remove unused MemAllocator::obj_memory_range + JDK-8311285: report some fontconfig related environment variables in hs_err file + JDK-8311511: Improve description of NativeLibrary JFR event + JDK-8311592: ECKeySizeParameterSpec causes too many exceptions on third party providers + JDK-8311682: Change milestone to fcs for all releases + JDK-8311862: RISC-V: small improvements to shift immediate instructions + JDK-8311917: MAP_FAILED definition seems to be obsolete in src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/fontpath.c + JDK-8311921: Inform about MaxExpectedDataSegmentSize in case of pthread_create failures on AIX + JDK-8311923: fails on RISC-V + JDK-8311926: java/lang/ScopedValue/ takes 9mins in tier1 + JDK-8311955: c++filt is now ibm-llvm-cxxfilt when using xlc17 / clang on AIX + JDK-8311981: Test gc/stringdedup/ / timed out + JDK-8312127: FileDescriptor.sync should temporarily increase parallelism + JDK-8312180: (bf) MappedMemoryUtils passes incorrect arguments to msync (aix) + JDK-8312182: THPs cause huge RSS due to thread start timing issue + JDK-8312394: [linux] SIGSEGV if kernel was built without hugepage support + JDK-8312395: Improve assertions in growableArray + JDK-8312401: SymbolTable::do_add_if_needed hangs when called in InstanceKlass::add_initialization_error path with requesting length exceeds max_symbol_length + JDK-8312489: Increase jdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize default which is too low for JARs such as WhiteSource/Mend unified agent jar + JDK-8312525: New test runtime/os/ / is failing: did not see the expected RSS reduction + JDK-8312535: MidiSystem.getSoundbank() throws unexpected SecurityException + JDK-8312555: Ideographic characters aren't stretched by AffineTransform.scale(2, 1) + JDK-8312573: Failure during CompileOnly parsing leads to ShouldNotReachHere + JDK-8312585: Rename DisableTHPStackMitigation flag to THPStackMitigation + JDK-8312591: GCC 6 build failure after JDK-8280982 + JDK-8312619: Strange error message when switching over long + JDK-8312620: WSL Linux build crashes after JDK-8310233 + JDK-8312625: Test serviceability/dcmd/vm/ failed: RSS use increased + JDK-8312909: C1 should not inline through interface calls with non-subtype receiver + JDK-8312976: MatchResult produces StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for groups outside match + JDK-8312984: javac may crash on a record pattern with too few components + JDK-8313081: MonitoringSupport_lock should be unconditionally initialized after 8304074 + JDK-8313248: C2: setScopedValueCache intrinsic exposes nullptr pre-values to store barriers + JDK-8313262: C2: Sinking node may cause required cast to be dropped + JDK-8313307: java/util/Formatter/ fails on some Locales + JDK-8313312: Add missing classpath exception copyright header + JDK-8313323: javac -g on a java file which uses unnamed variable leads to ClassFormatError when launching that class + JDK-8313402: C1: Incorrect LoadIndexed value numbering + JDK-8313428: GHA: Bump GCC versions for July 2023 updates + JDK-8313576: GCC 7 reports compiler warning in bundled freetype 2.13.0 + JDK-8313602: increase timeout for jdk/classfile/ + JDK-8313626: C2 crash due to unexpected exception control flow + JDK-8313657: com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection.cleanup does not close connections on SocketTimeoutErrors + JDK-8313676: Amend TestLoadIndexedMismatch test to target intrinsic directly + JDK-8313678: SymbolTable can leak Symbols during cleanup + JDK-8313691: use close after failing os::fdopen in vmError and ciEnv + JDK-8313701: GHA: RISC-V should use the official repository for bootstrap + JDK-8313707: GHA: Bootstrap sysroots with --variant=minbase + JDK-8313752: InstanceKlassFlags::print_on doesn't print the flag names + JDK-8313765: Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size) + JDK-8313796: AsyncGetCallTrace crash on unreadable interpreter method pointer + JDK-8313874: JNI NewWeakGlobalRef throws exception for null arg + JDK-8313901: [TESTBUG] test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/codecache/ / fails with java.lang.VirtualMachineError + JDK-8313904: [macos] All signing tests which verifies unsigned app images are failing + JDK-8314020: Print instruction blocks in byte units + JDK-8314024: SIGSEGV in PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post_work due to bad immediate dominator info + JDK-8314063: The socket is not closed in Connection::createSocket when the handshake failed for LDAP connection + JDK-8314117: RISC-V: Incorrect VMReg encoding in + JDK-8314118: Update JMH devkit to 1.37 + JDK-8314139: TEST_BUG: runtime/os/ / could fail on machine with large number of cores + JDK-8314144: gc/g1/ihop/ fails due to extra concurrent mark with -Xcomp + JDK-8314216: Case enumConstant, pattern compilation fails + JDK-8314262: GHA: Cut down cross-compilation sysroots deeper + JDK-8314423: Multiple patterns without unnamed variables + JDK-8314426: runtime/os/ is failing on slow machines + JDK-8314501: Shenandoah: sun/tools/jhsdb/heapconfig/ / fails + JDK-8314517: some tests fail in case ipv6 is disabled on the machine + JDK-8314618: RISC-V: -XX:MaxVectorSize does not work as expected + JDK-8314656: GHA: No need for Debian ports keyring installation after JDK-8313701 + JDK-8314679: SA fails to properly attach to JVM after having just detached from a different JVM + JDK-8314730: GHA: Drop libfreetype6-dev transitional package in favor of libfreetype-dev + JDK-8314850: SharedRuntime::handle_wrong_method() gets called too often when resolving Continuation.enter + JDK-8314960: Add Certigna Root CA - 2 + JDK-8315020: The macro definition for LoongArch64 zero build is not accurate. + JDK-8315051: jdk/jfr/jvm/ fails with non-JVMCI GCs + JDK-8315534: Incorrect warnings about implicit annotation processing- Compiler flags to realign stack on ix86 (bsc#1214790)- Added patch: * reproducible-properties.patch + use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp in properties files if it is set- Initial packaging of OpenJDK 21 release - Highlight of changes to OpenJDK 17 LTS * Additions + HotSpot JVM JEP-422: Linux/RISC-V Port (19) ° Garbage Collectors JEP-439: Generational ZGC (21) ° Serviceability JEP-451: Prepare to Disallow the Dynamic Loading of Agents (21) + Language JEP-441: Pattern Matching for switch (21) JEP-440: Record Patterns (21) + Libraries JEP-444: Virtual Threads (21) ° Collections JEP-431: Sequenced Collections (21) ° Cryptography JEP-452: Key Encapsulation Mechanism API (21) ° I/O JEP-400: UTF-8 by Default (18) ° Networking JEP-418: Internet-Address Resolution SPI (18) JEP-408: Simple Web Server (18) ° Reflection & Method Handles JEP-416: Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handles (18) + Tools ° JavaDoc JEP-413: Code Snippets in Java API Documentation (18) * Preview & Incubating + Language JEP-430: String Templates (Preview) (21) JEP-445: Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods (Preview) (21) JEP-443: Unnamed Patterns and Variables (Preview) (21) + Libraries JEP-442: Foreign Function & Memory API (Third Preview) (21) JEP-446: Scoped Values (Preview) (21) JEP-453: Structured Concurrency (Preview) (21) JEP-448: Vector API (Sixth Incubator) (21) * Deprecations + HotSpot JVM JEP-449: Deprecate the Windows 32-bit x86 Port for Removal (21) + Libraries JEP-421: Deprecate Finalization for Removal (18)/bin/sh/bin/shh03-ch2c 1730732060  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLM21. java-21-openjdkbinjarjarsignerjavacjavadocjavapjcmdjconsolejdbjdeprscanjdepsjhsdbjimagejinfojlinkjmapjmodjpackagejpsjrunscriptjshelljstackjstatjstatdjwebserverserialverincludeclassfile_constants.hjawt.hjdwpTransport.hjni.hjvmti.hjvmticmlr.hlinuxjawt_md.hjni_md.hlibct.symlibattach.solibsaproc.sotapsethotspot-21.stphotspot_gc-21.stphotspot_jni-21.stpjstack-21.stpjar-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjarsigner-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjavac-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjavadoc-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjavap-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjcmd-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjconsole-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjdb-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjdeprscan-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjdeps-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjhsdb-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjinfo-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjlink-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjmap-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjmod-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjpackage-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjps-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjrunscript-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjshell-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjstack-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjstat-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjstatd-java-21-openjdk.1.gzjwebserver-java-21-openjdk.1.gzserialver-java-21-openjdk.1.gzsystemtaptapsetx86_64hotspot-21.stphotspot_gc-21.stphotspot_jni-21.stpjstack-21.stp/usr/lib64/jvm//usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk-21//usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk-21/bin//usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk-21/include//usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk-21/include/linux//usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk-21/lib//usr/lib64/jvm/java-21-openjdk-21/tapset//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share//usr/share/systemtap//usr/share/systemtap/tapset//usr/share/systemtap/tapset/x86_64/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://  !!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!directoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=398dc5299cfb2039c1c30c0ed29fd0439a681fdd, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=2162ee484eefeb85a2d5ef0370699c3216c70bdf, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=b5168c0f199f1d28fae5d03d1f4cc3eaed1b9b4b, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=b15cd415a8b6b51b1b5f225f5ea8f03545cad6ca, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=4028f6ccf8a897a75bdcde785404a5be86fc5cae, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=31d3244fe406e047890ec734f15c6ab7107598ff, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=aefea15f01ddc50b76149a85584f35793541a06e, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=6ae0c9d5020d212d2341b69efb4424a9dc45d9f2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=1d6ce5d681d83bd7ac954ed634b25b37eb282b9a, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=aeaf7ac7656491598de29aee5bb39a6fd854905c, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=e5878b1b95627460d3af66e2774ce446e6277b9d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=91f28bc3adefeffb31a697a048f2bc83b9af6a66, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=c98660edc3ae4b61e2ae34fa7615271d31391181, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=d3b54986d737443cc21f02341c93fdaa6e62613d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=3cdc0e860230e29510ec37bf79e560a9dc06c369, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=edc26198cc79b93ab4492556770c435486d18098, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=dbacf0f6a36bfe3c6f89e61408e927115b08ed9e, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=bd11c9031157c74482e679dea54867ee523d3a38, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=d7e24bbca11441fcd782bb8e20bbfd9d128765e4, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=8152c90fda1677913df984b4c1ae44acf40e612f, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=ea9056f79e8fb9fd8d16e39f5a582ff38df90b12, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=2f4a8923064443bc993375100f1448c7c0d1e9e0, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=5fecc7089f69de2838fde66042748dda898c8c10, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=f0f9669b66b17f4e081738ffe65723ae5710f729, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=40790b2b7a1558ba2ee516ed893b9cc06aac8854, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedC source, ASCII textC++ source, ASCII textgzip ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract)ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0418db024e2c003d612427e61e47ec7846003c15, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=63941a0357d1099ba287c9a139a84f70eceac00d, strippedASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)C source, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`djRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP RR RR RP R RRRR RRRR RR RR RL)/E9*ܥutf-834e9ceb1d8a084d7a61993d82ef76ac7d18faf03f9bf839c8700bd2dd5b33c0d?7zXZ !t/໳]"k%ǠH$ir5Gkzɰ&"<7v1Pc$xVKWppy8{@WhOm5_[ff:[Tr(clKu]sMƅTb:T3tKP3!Vf=)qE̾ʮq&I9\ZO>[f*z] aVP GZ[Tu:^l:'%Lx51LcF)J1.k(A{+2ҥ.>6?L3xH_3!lQ_ZO4s3/<Mu6C18hp@xԘ}Mnr@N tޕY/ KQFj#2 M8ŧ޳_0޻H+u]_a©(\׵^>O bBgoDsj5IbaUZ {=s4'b*9Gy`4 P) @f'ɒG$NwFQ'̈́CU<}.&z Y"1MՃw>5U{o7U }pSs3.di^S Wȅ (Pn y=%@N@IZ23&.r)jzNJYN,{[2VZ{1`pTɮpc pGB>nq߮}~J"îPHcM;8$^HY){8Rh)W:Yi&\_$;S$%>O3NfdR^1R" V ߞG6 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